Hot Tub

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(Extra scene from Winter's Kiss.)

Modern day

"Edmond, this was your idea," I said, watching my husband as he suspiciously eyed the hot tub.

"I know."

He walked around the tub, still eyeing it like he expected it to come alive. I shook my head. Edmond had come a long way since we first met, when he'd sealed himself off from the world, safe in the timeless bubble that was Belle Morte, but there was still so much he didn't understand and had yet to experience.

"It won't bite. I might, though, if you don't get in." I bared my fangs.

"I don't mind the thought of you biting me," Edmond said, showing off his own fangs, and my stomach fluttered.

How had I ever thought those gleaming white fangs were anything but beautiful?

I turned on the jets and Edmond stepped back as they foamed to life.

"Not what you were expecting?" I teased.

"Honestly, I don't know what I was expecting."

There was one obvious way to get him in.

I tugged my jumper over my head and then peeled off my jeans. I'd stopped bothering with underwear two days ago – it was just one more thing to take off when we wanted to get naked, which was all the time right now.

But it was our honeymoon, and we were still salvaging what we could after a hired team of thugs had come after us, funded by a millionaire who'd intended to hunt Edmond down as a trophy kill.

Edmond's eyes flared red as they travelled over my naked body, and I smiled, tipping my head to one side, and putting my hand on my hip.

"You're so beautiful," he said.

"And you're so getting in this hot tub." I climbed in, letting out a happy moan as the hot water lapped my skin.

Edmond moved closer, but not fast enough.

I scooped up a handful of water and poured it over myself, arching my back so the water slid over my breasts. Edmond's eyes were very red now.

"Mon ange, there's something I should tell you," he said, and moved closer.


"I wasn't really nervous about trying out the hot tub. I just wanted to see what you'd do to get me in."

I stared at him.

Edmond stared back, a little smirk playing at the edges of his lips.

Feigning offence, I stood up, as if I was about to get out of the tub, and Edmond immediately jumped in, fully clothed. I squealed as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me back down.

The sun had only just set, and between the trees, the sky was a rich, vibrant red. The snow around us glittered. It seemed impossible that the day before yesterday Edmond had been bleeding out inside our little cabin, that we'd then gone into the woods to hunt down the people who'd tried to hunt us.

I swivelled in Edmond's lap and opened his shirt, peeling it away from his chest. There was no mark left from the silver crossbow bolt that had plunged through him, but I still knew exactly where it had hit, and I pressed my palm to that spot.

Edmond watched me.

His wet clothes clung to him, and I could feel him hardening beneath me. His eyes were like melted rubies, bright and beautiful. His wedding ring was cool against my thigh; my own rings sparkled like tiny stars in the dying light.

"You're wearing too many clothes," I whispered, nibbling his earlobe.

Quick as a blink, he stripped, flinging his wet things over the side of the tub and onto the wooden floor of the wraparound porch. I let out a little sigh at the sight of him, completely bared to me. His face was so perfect, and I liked that his imperfections – the scarred skin on his back, the ridge of shrapnel in his side – were things that only I got to see.

I rose up on my knees and straddled him, watching his face as I slid slowly down, taking him inside. Edmond made a soft noise, his hands gripping my hips, and I rested my forehead against his, and we were still for a moment, both us absorbing this most intimate of feelings. Then Edmond's hands tightened on my hips, urging me to move, and I did, gripping the edge of the tub with both hands as I rode him, hard and fast, until water was spilling onto the porch, and everything inside me was coiling tighter and tighter, like a wire about to snap in the most delicious way. Then I did snap, and I let out a shout of raw bliss, clinging hard to Edmond as he continued to move, until finally he followed me over that edge.

Edmond sagged against the edge of the tub, and I collapsed against his chest.

"I think I like hot tubs," he said, stroking my wet hair.

"I like them even more now," I said. "I've never had sex in one before."

Edmond smiled and kissed my forehead. "I'm glad I got the honour of being your first."

Later that night, I woke up and found the other side of the bed empty. A smile touched my lips, because I knew where Edmond was.

I climbed out of bed and walked through the cabin to the front door.

It had snowed again and the wooden porch was covered in a fresh dusting of white powder that crunched under my bare feet as I walked around the cabin to the hot tub at the back.

Edmond sat in the tub, head tipped back, eyes closed, the water bubbling and frothing around him.

This was one of those moments where he managed to look adorable and sexy at the same time, and I wished I had my phone so I could take a picture.

I'd have to commit it to memory instead.

Edmond opened his eyes and smiled sheepishly. "I couldn't help myself. This thing is amazing."

I moved around the tub until I was standing behind him, and wrapped my arms around his neck, resting my head on his shoulder.

"Do you think we could persuade Ysanne to install a hot tub at the mansion?" I said.

"Do you want to be the one to ask her?"

I kissed his wet shoulder. "You've known her longer."

"I'm trying to imagine her face if I suggest installing in the grounds of her beloved Belle Morte," said Edmond with a wry grin.

"You can get indoor hot tubs," I said.

"Interesting. Where we would put it?"

"In our bedroom."

His smile deepened. "I like the way you think."

"Of course you do. That's why you married me."

Edmond tipped his head back so he was looking at me upside down. "Are you coming in?"

I grinned and started to undress. "I thought you'd never ask."

Okay, so this was only a very short story, so I've done a double update and posted an Ysanne story too. Enjoy :)

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