The Next Chapter

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Modern Day

I pressed my nose to the tinted-window of the Belle Morte car and tried to work out where Ysanne was taking us. Ten minutes ago, she'd called me into her office, along with Roux and Jason, and told us that there was something she wanted to show us. Now we were in a car, heading away from the mansion, but none of us had a clue where we were going. When Roux had asked, Ysanne had told her to wait and see.

Ysanne herself sat in the front passenger seat, her back as straight as ever, her hands neatly folded in her lap. I didn't think I'd ever seen someone sit in a car with such poise.

I glanced at my friends.

Next to me, Jason was sending a cat video to Gideon, smiling as he did it. Roux was turned away from us, looking out of the window, but maybe she sensed me looking at her, for she turned to meet my gaze. Her ruby nose-stud flashed under the streetlights that we passed.

I tilted my head, trying to silently convey how confused I was, and Roux shrugged.

There was no point asking Ysanne – she'd already told us to wait, and she wouldn't appreciate being asked again.

After about ten minutes, the car turned left, passing through a barrier of metal fencing and arriving onto a massive dirt lot.

Now I was really confused.

"Oookay," Jason said under his breath.

Our driver – a Belle Morte security guard whose name I couldn't remember – got out so he could open Ysanne's door, then ours.

I climbed out of the car, feeling a light breeze tease my hair. The ground around us looked like it had been freshly turned, and it was marred here and there by enormous tyre tracks. Gras softened the edges of the lot, and trees loomed here and there, like silent sentries.

"Where are we?" I asked.

Ysanne surveyed the lot. She was still wearing high heels, and I hid a smile. The world itself could be coming to an end, and Ysanne would face it with a cool stare and killer stilettos.

"This is where I intend to build a new vampire house," Ysanne announced.

Roux froze.

Jason blinked.

My mouth dropped open.

For the longest moment no one said anything. Ysanne watched us, patiently waiting for a reaction.

"Wait," I said, something clicking into place in my brain. "Is this for the kids?"

A few months ago, Ysanne had mentioned the possibility of the nine vampire kids currently living in Lamia being given their very own house, but it hadn't come up since, so I hadn't been sure it was still on the table. I should have realised that Ysanne was busily working away in the background, getting things done without anyone knowing.

"It is," Ysanne confirmed.

I looked at the space with fresh eyes, but sadly I wasn't creative enough to picture what the new house might look like. All I saw was a big patch of dirt.

"Have you already started work on it?" Roux asked, eyeing the tyre tracks.

Ysanne shook her head. "The plot was sold to a developer three years ago, but due to financial issues, he was only recently able to start on what he hoped would be a new housing estate. Unfortunately for him, those financial troubles became exponentially worse four months ago, forcing him to sell off the plot."

"Bad for him, good for us," Jason murmured.


I took a few steps forward, my feet leaving small imprints in the dirt. "Why have you brought us out here? It can't just be to show off the plot, or you'd have brought the guys too."

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