Wedding Day

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Modern Day

As Edmond Dantès studied his reflection in the mirror, there was a part of him that still couldn't quite believe he was getting married tonight. He'd been engaged before, hundreds of years ago, when he'd been human, and the dream of a quiet married life had died with Lucy. When he'd watched her body thrown into a plague pit along with so many others, it had seemed impossible that he could ever feel that way about anyone again.

He'd been wrong, of course.

Other great loves had come and gone over the centuries of his life, until the weight of grief and loneliness had become so heavy that he had abandoned any hope of spending his life with someone.

Then Renie had come along, the answer to a question he'd long since stopped asking.

She was the other half of him. She owned his heart in a way that no one else had ever done.

And tonight she would become his wife.

The door opened behind him and Ludovic came in.

"How are you getting on?" he asked.

Edmond turned to face his friend and spread his arms. "What do you think?"

Ludovic picked up Edmond's jacket, where it hung from a hook on the door, and held it open so Edmond could slip his arms inside. Ludovic pulled it up over Edmond's shoulders, and smoothed out the fabric.

"I think Renie is going to be very happy," he said.

"Have you seen her?" Edmond asked.

Ludovic shook his head, a wry smile on his lips. "Roux's banned me from the room."

Renie had arrived in Roseview Hotel earlier that day, accompanied by her friends, and she was currently getting ready in the room that Roux and Ludovic would be sharing after the wedding. Edmond was in the room that Renie believed was their wedding suite, and Edmond allowed himself a small smile. She had no idea that he'd planned something very different for them.

"How are you feeling?" Ludovic asked.

"A little nervous," Edmond admitted.


"I didn't think this day would ever come."

Ludovic smiled again, but somehow Edmond got the feeling that this smile wasn't directed at him. He'd bet that Ludovic was thinking of Roux. Like Edmond, Ludovic had reached a point where he was sure he would spend the rest of his immortal life alone. Roux had changed everything for him, just as Renie had changed everything for Edmond.

"Honestly it seems a little strange to me, too," Ludovic said.

"Me getting married?"

Ludovic nodded.

Edmond could understand that.

His bond with Ludovic had been forged in the muddy, bloody hell of the World War One trenches, and after the war had ended, Edmond had taken Ludovic back to his home in the countryside, determined to help him cope with his shellshock. They'd lived together until Ludovic, unable to overcome his trauma, had quietly slipped away in the night. They'd both lived alone until reuniting decades later, and since then they'd never been apart. For so long, Edmond had been the person that Ludovic had relied on, the man Ludovic trusted and loved above anyone else, and though that bond would never be broken, Ludovic no longer needed Edmond the way he once had. But for most of their long friendship, Edmond had sworn he would never give his heart to anyone, and now he had, utterly and completely. It was a big change, both for Edmond and the people around him.

"I'm glad you are, though. You deserve this," Ludovic said.

Edmond's throat tightened.

The door opened again, and Ysanne swept in, dressed in rippling grey silk, with a fur cape around her shoulders. Her face softened as she looked at Edmond, dressed in his wedding suit.

"I'll give you a moment," Ludovic said.

He embraced Edmond, and the knot in Edmond's throat got even tighter. He loved Ludovic like a brother, and he couldn't find the words to express how grateful he was that, after everything they'd been through, Ludovic was still here, and would stand with him on his wedding day.

Ludovic left the room and closed the door.

Ysanne scrutinised Edmond, and for a long moment she didn't say anything.

"I bet you never thought this day would come," Edmond said.

Ysanne took a few steps forward and brushed a speck of lint off Edmond's shoulder.

"How do I look?" he asked.

"Very handsome," Ysanne said.

Edmond glanced back at his reflection.

His wedding suit was black brocade, tooled all over with delicate gold thread, and in place of a tie, he wore a lace cravat. His hair was loose, spilling around his shoulders, the way Renie liked it.

He wondered how Renie would wear her hair tonight, and what her dress would look like, and a shiver of anticipation rolled through him.

Ysanne put a finger on Edmond's cheek and turned his face back to her, and Edmond waited patiently while she examined him, presumably looking for anything she felt needed correcting.

She tweaked his collar, though he was sure she didn't need to, and rearranged his cravat. He wasn't sure she needed to do that either, but he didn't say anything.

"I never thought I'd be here," Edmond said, gazing down at his oldest friend.

The first time he'd met her, he'd still been human. She was the first woman he'd fallen for after Lucy's death, but Ysanne, still grieving the death of her second husband, had been unable to return his feelings. Back then, Edmond could never have imagined that, after all these hundreds of years, Ysanne would still be with him, making sure he looked perfect for his wedding day.

"I'm glad you are," Ysanne said.

"So am I."

"My winter boy," Ysanne murmured, tucking a strand of Edmond's hair behind his ear.

Edmond smiled down at her. "Je t'aime, mon cher vieille amie."

Ysanne cupped his face and gently lowered it so she could kiss his forehead. "Toujours, je t'aime," she whispered.

Not for the first time it occurred to Edmond how lucky he was that Renie understood his bond with Ysanne. Not everyone would have been as accepting, especially not considering the years that he and Ysanne had spent together as lovers.

He shook his head. "I'm getting married today. I still can't quite believe it."

"Not just today, in a few minutes," Ysanne said.

"I should get downstairs then."

"You should," Ysanne agreed.

They gazed at each other a moment longer, then Edmond hugged her. "Thank you for everything," he said.

Ysanne hugged him back. "You're going to make an excellent husband."

"I hope so."

Ysanne let Edmond go and smoothed his clothes one last time. "Now," she said. "I'm going to check on your bride, and you're going to head downstairs to wait for her."

She kissed his cheek one more time, then she left the room.

Edmond stared down at his left hand, his ring finger bare for the last time. It had taken centuries to get here, but now the moment had finally arrived.

It was time to get married.

He smiled and walked out of the room.

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