Big Decisions: Part Three

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All Jason could do was stare at his husband.

This was . . . he'd never even imagined this.

Belle Morte was Gideon's home, but more than that, it was where Gideon was safe. Vampires couldn't easily live among the general population, because they needed a constant supply of blood, they needed sun-proofed homes, they needed protection from the extremists who wanted them dead. Jason had always understood that, and he'd been happy to move into Belle Morte because he was a self-confessed Vladdict and living in a vampire mansion was a dream come true.

He did love Belle Morte.

He loved the opulent bedrooms, the maze of hallways with their statues and paintings, the wood-panelled dining hall and the marble-floored ballroom. He loved the sprawling grounds, and the way the mansion felt so alive, even though its permanent inhabitants technically weren't.

And yet . . .

There was no shortage of space in Belle Morte, but it was also home to so many people, and that wasn't including the security guards and other staff. The bedroom and bathroom that Jason and Gideon shared were bigger than most people had, but those rooms were still the only places in the whole mansion that personally belonged to them. Every other space had to be shared with vampires and donors.

That had never bothered Jason before, but now that a different possibility had been presented, he couldn't ignore it.

What would it be like if he and Gideon actually had their own place?

Their own kitchen, living room, and garden?

"We can't agree to run this school just for the sake of having our own place," he said.

"I'd never suggest that. I just want us both to be aware of the pros and cons," Gideon said. "What do you think about the possibility of our own house?"

"I think . . ." Jason looked around the bathroom, taking in every bit of Belle Morte luxury. If they had their own place built in the grounds of the new vampire house, then it would be far smaller and cosier than Belle Morte. He'd grown used to life here, and moving would mean readjusting in many ways.

But for everything that he'd miss about Belle Morte, there'd be something he could enjoy with Gideon that he perhaps couldn't enjoy here.

"I think I'm open to the idea," Jason said.

Gideon smiled, excitement glittering in his eyes. "I am too."

"But what if Ysanne says no?" Jason asked.

"Why would she?"

Jason gave Gideon a wry look. "Expecting her to build a house for us is a big ask."

"Maybe so, but I don't think she'll begrudge it."

"What if she expects us to live in the house with the kids, though?"

"I don't think she will."

"Why not?"

"I can't see why she would need us to. The whole point of building this house for the children is to give them a measure of independence. They may need supervision during lessons, but they also need some time without adults hovering over them. By allowing us our own house, Ysanne would ensure that we're always on site if we're needed, but that we all have our own space," Gideon explained.

"Okay, that's a good point."

"The most important thing we need to ask ourselves is whether or not this is a responsibility we want to take on."

"It would be a big responsibility," Jason mused.

"It would."

"What happens if we're not cut out for it?"

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