Chapter 1 Rewrite

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You found yourself shifting around the small space that held your kitchen in order to adjust the lighting that hit the paper clenched between your fingers, envelope torn and abandoned on the small wooden table in the centre of the room. You couldn't quite believe the words that the letter held, making sure you read every single line and curve on the page to make sure you hadn't misread anything, but no matter how you looked at the pristine white page it always said the same thing. Accepted. Scholarship. Ouran. Not only had you been accepted to one of the most pristegious schools in the country which most students had to buy their way into with their titles and daddy's money, you had been awarded a full ride scholarship, your own apartment in the area and a rather ridiculously written apology for the mix up of addresses that meant you had gotten this letter less than a week before the start of the new term. You brain was everywhere other than in your head as you thought of all the things you would need to do to move across the country, to move out, to start in a new school all in less than a week, but even as your thoughts muddled around in your head, your feet refused to move and your eyes remained locked on the piece of paper that was slowly being crushed in your hands. 

"Holy shit."


You had thought the apartment was impressive, but it was put to shame by the school gates alone. Beyond the metal arches lay what might as well have been a castle and the grounds surrounding it were filled with what only could be described as royalty. Ever face your eyes flitted over was more beautiful than the next, and seeing so many women in dresses identical to your own made you realise just how much you must stick out like a sore thumb. Ever figure in front of you held themselves in such a way that you knew that they knew they were a thousand times better than you. A quick pause to fix your posture was followed by careful steps across the threshold as to not trip over the yellow skirt cascading over your hips, which would no doubt be the most embarrassing introduction. Somehow you made it inside without a mishap, only for your mouth to drop slightly at the sight of the interior. If the gates had one-uped your single apartment, and the outside was a castle, the gold lined interior might as well have been heaven. You felt as if you had stepped into a royal ballet theatre rather than a school, and the only thing alluding to it being such was the small sign in front of you pointing towards the reception, which your feet quickly lead you towards realising that all this gawking was definitely going to make you late.


Heaven was no longer a good desciptor for the school. What could only be described as the longest week of your life was slowly drawing to a close as you found yourself sat against an old gnarled tree that was growing against the side of the building in some futile attempt to hide without making it obvious to passers by that you weren't in fact hiding. Every footstep sounded like your next problem, and you couldn't help but stare at the small watch your father had gifted you for being accepted in the hopes that the time would go a little faster and that the next class would start. Despite the size of the school, there were very few places to hide when someone was actively looking for you, much to your dismay. You wouldn't say that your aggressors were particularly aggravating, as they only really stood around and mocked you for your lack of wealth and other horribly superficial ideals, but it was getting on your nerves, and the less you responded to their taunts the worse they got, and you didn't want to hand them anymore opportunities than they already had. There are few things that could distract you during such times that your brain was so alert, but it wasn't until you heard the bell charm for the final lesson of the day that you realised you had been staring down a grasshopper with your breath held tightly in your lungs.

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