Chapter 17

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You wandered round the hotel, picking up the guests laundry as you went as you passed the boys. You felt it best to avoid them at the point. They were all here for Haruhi after all. You shook you head lightly and looked up, using your knees to gain your grip back on the basket of laundry you held. You walked down the stairs slowly towards were the washing machine is. (Pfft, like I know where it actually is.) You through the washing in, and setting it all to rinse, before leaving again and heading towards the kitchen. Somehow, even after batch baking 250, Miss Misuzu had told you that they'd run out of 'famous' sugar cookies. You didn't have the knowledge that they were that good, but they'd all been sold at the cafe within a day, so, they couldn't be that bad. You managed to get through the dough rather quickly, before packing the enormous packs into the fridge. You dusted the flour from your hands and headed outside to find out what had happened to the bed sheets that had blown away previously. You wandered down, eventually finding your way out to Honey. He was sat by Tamaki, but both of them seemed rather down.
"What's up, Honey-senpai?" He pointed towards the slowly disappearing Miss Misuzu. You sighed and walked over to him, lifting him up to your height.
"She can be tough, but she means well. Hey, wanna come help me finish off my cookies?" His face lit up, making yours follow suit. You giggled lightly and lifted him up to your shoulders, before advancing towards the kitchen again.

You found yourself laughing quietly as you shut the oven door, Honey standing behind you, white as a sheet.
"I probably should have told you that the flour was already open at the other end." He pouted at you as you lifted him in your arms.
"Let's get you cleaned up." You rolled your eyes lightly and wandered back through the hotel, earning little swoons from girls. Does carrying a flour covered Honey look that cute? You shook the thought off and headed up stairs.
"You can wash in my room. I'll get as much flour off your shirt as I can in the mean time." Honey smiled at you and gave a loud 'okay'. Your room was all the way at the end of the corridor of the second floor, so you passed a few more guests as you went. You felt your feet slow slightly as you heard voices behind you.
"This way ladies. Just down this hall." You stopped and turned around, only for your eyesight to meet with that of Kaoru's. You sighed and turned away again, returning back to heading down the hall.
"What was that about, Y/N-chan?" You looked up at Honey, only to give him a small smile.
"It's nothing, really." He pouted at you and crossed his arms.
"It wasn't nothing. Please tell me." You sigh again, pulling your door key out from your pocket. Letting the door swing out in front of you, you flick on the lights and set Honey down.
"Maybe later, but now, you need to wash. Give me your shirt and go through there." You state, pointing to your bathroom. He nods, before pulling off his black shirt and throwing it to you, before running into the bathroom. You could hear the water running as you sat down on your bed. You manage to get most of the flour off Honey's shirt, before he comes running out again, his hair dripping but his face clean. He'd obviously dried himself and pulling his shorts back on. You held out his shirt to him, which he accepted.
"Can you tell me now?" You sighed and stood up, heading back to your door.
"I'll tell you in the kitchen, but we don't want our cookies to burn, do we?" He gasped and ran to the door, grabbing your hand as he went and pulling you out the door, only just giving you a chance to pull it shut behind you before you were being dragged down the stairs. You ran into the kitchen right as the timer went off. You laughed lightly as Honey shoved the oven-mits at you, making you open the oven and pull out the hordes of fresh cookies.
"They better not eat them all this time." You smile as Honey jumps up in excitement.
"You can have one when they cool. Don't tell Miss Misuzu." He nods happily. You set the cookies down, throwing the oven-mits down and leaning on the counter.
"Can you tell me what's up now?" You sigh.
"I guess I have to, but it's not that interesting."


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