Chapter 22

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You found yourself following behind the mass of the group, talking to Honey with both your hands clamped between that of Kaoru and Honey. You forgot Kaoru was there most of the time as you were in such an in-depth conversation with Honey, but you were whenever he wandered alittle out of your arms reach and felt a sharp pull. Neither of you let go none the less, also meaning Honey stayed attached to your other side. You didn't pay much attention to Haruhi and Hikaru as you talked to Honey, who was adamant about keeping your attention on him. It did leave Kyoya to watch out for Tamaki, since Mori was watching you and Honey, but he appeared to be handling it. After a while of aimlessly walking, you felt your hand pulled out from Honey and your body bsway towards Kaoru.
"We'll see you guys later at the hotel." You heard Kaoru call as the two of you wandered away. You could hear Honey whining in the background, but Mori was keeping him from running at you.
"W-where are we going?" You looked up at Kaoru who was focused on walking away.
"I said we'd hang out, and we can't do that whilst we're following Haruhi and Hikaru can we? Or were you too entranced by Honey to remember that." You chuckled sheepishly.
"Oh yeah. My bad. So... um... where are we going exactly?" Kaoru looked down at you and smiled.
"Around the market. I hear some of the stalls are quite good." A smile lit your face as your feet carried you next to Kaoru, your hands still entwined together, on your behalf being a way to keep track of him through the crowds that surrounded the stalls along the streets. You spend the next few hours there, until you found yourselves sitting on a bench eating ice cream.
"Hey... Kaoru..." The boy beside you looked up and smiled.
"What's up?"
"Thanks for today. I'm sorry I got annoyed about you not texting me, and for presuming the worst when you asked Haruhi to come today." He just smiled at you. A reassuring smile that showed he got what you were saying. You moved back to your ice cream, slowing licking it as it melted down the cone. You looked up again as you realised silent it had gotten, only to see Kaoru inches away from your face, his thumb tracing the corner of your mouth. Your face lit up and you turned away from him.
"S-sorry... You, uh... you had ice cream... on your, on your face..." He murmured. The scene fell silent again, until you felt a raindrop hit your nose. You looked up to see the clouds looming above you, threatening to dump the heavy stored rain they held.
"I think, it might be time to go." Kaoru snapped his head around to you, only for you to point upwards and once the realisation hit him, a small nod came from him. You stood up and started to walk back, only for the rain to start chucking it down, making Kaoru take the lead, grabbing your hand and running all the way back to the hotel in the pouring rain. You both skidded through the door and into the lobby of the hotel, dripping wet and laughing your heads off. You sat down on the floor, pulling Kaoru down with you and attempted to catch your breath. You lent back on your hands, only for them to slip on the now soggy floor and fell backwards, hitting your head on the floor that you now lay on. This only caused you to laugh harder, and Kaoru lay next to you. You turned to your side and faced him.
"That was fun. We should do that again." He kept laughing, but raised an eyebrow.
"What, run through the rain?" You nodded.
"Yeah. I love the rain." The laughing grew to a halt and you just lay there smiling at Kaoru. Slowly his face lit up with heat, and his eyes started flickering from yours around your face. Without warning, he sat up and walked away, leaving you sitting confused on the floor.


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