First day of work

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(In the first part of this book you will have to pay attention to the date i put on the top so you know if its present time or a flashback. 1997 is when they graduated and 2002 is when the main plot happens)


Draco's POV

I woke up and checked my phone for the time. It was already 6:30 and Gia was still sound asleep. She has been working non stop since graduation in healer training and she finally secured a position in St Mongo's.

I decided to get up and make her breakfast to start her day off, ever since she taught me how to cook the muggle way i've preferred to do it that way. Using magic to cook left a weird taste that the muggle way didn't so I assumed muggle food was safer anyway. I made a full english breakfast with tea and put it on a tray to take up to her. When I got to our bedroom i heard her yawn from inside so I assumed she was just getting up.

 When I got to our bedroom i heard her yawn from inside so I assumed she was just getting up

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@daddymalfoy: she's cute so i made her breakfast tagged: @giovanna

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@daddymalfoy: she's cute so i made her breakfast
tagged: @giovanna.malfoy

~@theo.nott: we both know i can't cook but sure what do you want me to make you

@prince.charming: oh i would kill for a full english right now

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"Hey Draco what are you holding" She said quietly as she stretched. "I made you some breakfast love, you have work in a couple hours so i wanted you to eat well" I walked over to her and set the tray on her lap and kissed her forehead. "I'll be in my office if you need me" I said as I walked out. When i got into my office i sat down and sighed, i wanted to be a househusband and take care of the kids instead of being the CEO of all the companies my father owns, but he refused to let me stay at home and do nothing until Giovanna gave birth to a Malfoy heir.

We have had no luck in getting Giovanna pregnant yet but something is telling me that she's pregnant now but doesn't know it. I'll have to ask her to take a test later.


After a couple hours i got bored so i owled Prince, Theo and Blaise to come over so we could do something.

After about 30 minutes i heard noise downstairs so i went to check it out, i saw Prince, Theo and Blaise sat in one of the living rooms drinking fire whiskey and talking. "Oh finally you're here" Theo said and he gestured for me to come join them. "of course i'm here this is is my home and how did you guys even get here" I asked as I sat down next to Theo, "Oh we used the floo network, arrived about 10 minutes ago but we didn't wanna disturb you" he explained.

"Well you gave me a bloody heart attack I thought someone broke in" I said and they all laughed. "You overreact so much" Blaise laughed and i just huffed. "hahha are you amused Blaise" I said, "yes i am actually" Blaise said making Theo and Prince laugh as well.


Around 4 hours later Gia came home looking very tired. "Long day?" I asked as i patted down her hair and pulled her into a hug. "Yes yes I know i look like shit Draco, I had to deal with the patients with colds and wizard flu's and they kept coughing and sneezing everywhere" She said and I stepped back cautiously. "I've already sanitised myself twice dont worry" she said as she pulled me back into the hug.


"Goodnight Gia" I said as i kissed her lips lightly and laid down on our incredibly soft bed, "Night Draco" she said quietly as she fell asleep.

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