Healer Ryan

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⚠️TW: harassment⚠️


Giovanna's POV

I got woken up once again by Draco flattening me while he rolls over in his sleep. I tried pushing him off me but he's as heavy as a bull so instead I conjured up a feather and tickled Draco, "AHH WHAT THE FUCK" he screamed in a high pitched voice as he quickly rolled away from me. When I saw he was about to fall off the bed I started laughing but stopped when he pulled me down with him. Draco landed on the floor and I landed next to him, we both let out pained groans as we rubbed the back of our heads.

"The fuck was that for" He grunted as he sat up, "You wouldn't get off me so I tried to get you off but then you pulled me down with you" I said bitterly as I got up and stretched. "Your voice was so high when you screamed it was hilarious" I laughed and he cleared his throat, "No it wasn't" He said in an exaggerated deep voice.

I rolled my eyes and walked over to the bathroom to get ready, I brushed, showered, peed and did my hair up away from my face then changed into my uniform. I looked at myself in the mirror and shrugged then walled out and saw that Draco wasn't there anymore. I walked into the twins room and saw Theo floating in the air and it looked like he crying and screaming but his cries were muted, I looked over at Aurora and saw her staring at Theo looking extremely concentrated. I cleared my throat and she looked away from Theo and to me instead, Theo dropped from the air and just before he hit the ground i rushed to catch him.

"DRACO GET IN HERE" I screamed and I heard someone run up the stairs, "Darling what happened?" He said worriedly. Aurora was looking around nervously, fiddling with a thread on her pyjamas. "I just walked in on Aurora using wandless magic to levitate Theo and do a silencing charm" I said flatly and Draco quickly looked at Aurora. "Is this true Rora?" He asked and she slowly nodded, "Okay well I need to have a chat with you to make sure this doesn't happen again" He said sternly and I nodded in approval.

Aurora slowly walked towards Draco and he picked her up and made his way out the door. When the door shut I asked Theo if he was okay and he nodded as he hugged me tight, I heard whispers coming from outside so I leaned against the door to hear what they were saying.

"Omg Rora you can use wandless magic at four years old? I knew you were smart but this is so so great. I'm so proud of you but you can't tell your mummy because me and you will both get told off okay sweetie. I love you so so much" Draco whispered, "Dad you should've seen Theo in the air, he looked so silly" Aurora giggled and Draco laughed back. I opened the door slightly and saw them hugging, I decided to open the door fully and see what Draco would say.

"Hey honey how did the telling off go?" I asked sweetly and he smiled and said "It was fine, she understands that what she did is wrong". Rora giggled and Draco sent her a short look that told her to shush which she did. I decided to let them be so I put Theo down and went downstairs to make breakfast, I settled for a couple slices of buttered toast and a cup of tea.


It had just turned 8:29 and I was rushing inside St Mungo's. "HEY DAVINA HEY OCTAVIA" I shouted as I ran towards my work friends. "Woah woah slow down Giovanna you might trip" A voice from behind me said calmly, "Oh fuck off Ryan, go and try and get into someone else's knickers and leave Giovanna alone" Davina said as she pushed his shoulders slightly.

Healer Ryan is the Healer that trained me when I first started working here, he told me he'd help me fill out some forms after work and I agreed. But he thought that was a date so he tried to kiss me, obviously I stopped him and told him i'm happily married with kids but he still didn't care. So ever since then he's been trying to 'charm' me so I can change my mind about sleeping with him. Which is never going to happen.

I didn't tell Draco what happened because he'd come down here and beat the shit out of Ryan so I told Ginny instead, in hogwarts she was always great at giving advice so I thought she'd be the right person to tell. I was wrong. The next day she came into St Mungo's and beat up Ryan till he was bruised and swollen. But anyway that was a couple years ago.

"Ryan i'm still happily married with kids so no, i'm not interested" I said flatly and he just smirked. "Oh come on Gia don't you want some excitement in your life. Sneaking around at night to have sex with me would be thrilling." He said creepily as he snaked an arm around my waist.

Without thinking twice I punched him in the face, "I already told you Ryan. 1.My husband is the only one who can call me that, 2.do not touch me, 3. do not ask me to fuck you. You are lucky I haven't brought my husband in because he would probably murder you" I said as i patted my clothes down. "I doubt it, the only reason I didn't hit your ginger friend is because she's a girl. A woman shouldn't even be that aggressive, what will her kids be like. Women just need to sit at home with their kids and serve their husbands" He huffed as he rubbed his face where I punched him.

That's when Octavia got angry, "Ryan we spoke about this. Women don't need to do anything for you or for other men. They don't need kids, or a husband, and they don't need to be a housewife" She said as calmly as she could. "Yes yes Octavia I know your situation. You couldn't get a man to marry you so you got with a woman instead, and you have no kids. I told you i'd forgive you for that if you just sleep-" Ryan started but got cut off by my fist meeting his face again.

"I swear to merlin Ryan if you ask any of us to sleep with you again I will get you beaten black and blue" I seethed and he chucked. Ryan was in no way weak, he's around 6'2, he has toned abs (which i've only seen because he's constantly shirtless to impress me), and big muscles. Draco on the other hand is 6'4 and incredibly strong, Blaise is also 6'4 ish and arguably stronger so I had no doubt that they could put Ryan in his place.

"If you keep doing this i'll report you" Davina threatened and he just laughed again, "Oh yes report me to our supervisor, i'm sure my dad will believe you" He laughed as he began walking away.

Yep. Much to my disappointment Ryan's dad is our supervisor so that is the only reason that bitch still works here.

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