New Years

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Giovanna's POV

Wizards, Witches and Bitches

Me: I'm so nervous

Theo: have you not been to a ball before

Me: ofc course I have but I've never
actually held one
Me: my parents have not me

Draco: I've held loads don't worry

Me: I just can't wait for the
after party

Draco: speaking of which I need
to get the guest list together


Draco: the ball is tomorrow
Draco: we have lots of time

Blaise: Giovanna did you get
the package

Me: yes I did
Me: it's beautiful

Cho: huh

Blaise: I sent G and Luna
my newest designs to wear


Blaise: I texted you all but
only they replied

Ginny: whatever 🙄

Me: I'm gonna get some sleep
Me: bye dummies

Theo: bye

Prince: you idiot you're not
meant to respond

Theo: oh


The sun shone brightly through the tall windows waking me up, I rolled over to my right and cuddled Draco. "No I'm the big spoon" he mumbled sleepily as he turned around and wrapped his arms around me. We laid there in silence for what felt like hours until my alarm rang loudly.

Draco reached over to my bedside table and threw the clock on the floor, smashing it into pieces. "I'll buy you a new one" he smirked as he kissed the top of my head lightly.

Eventually we got up to start getting ready for the day. I walked into the bathroom and propped myself up on the countertop as I brushed my teeth, Draco walked in and grabbed his own toothbrush and toothpaste and also began brushing. After a minute or two we both finished so I went to get a towel and Draco went to pick out his outfit.


"Are you ready we need to go down now" I called, "I need to fix my hair, wait a bit" Draco shouted back and I rolled my eyes. "You spend hours on your hair even though you're going to mess it up the moment you get nervous" I said and I could basically feel him rolling his eyes.

After 5 minutes he came out of the bathroom and finally we left the room and went to the top of the staircase. Already I could see hundreds of families waiting in the main hall and I gulped. The Malfoy New Year's ball has been a tradition for decades, usually the only families invited were pureblood but since Draco and I don't believe in those outdated beliefs we invited muggleborns and half-bloods as well. This caused a big commotion in the wizarding community, many many traditional pureblood families refused to attend the same ball as "filthy muggles" so we just took their names off the guest list.

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