I'm so sorry

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February 27th

Theo's POV

As soon as I got home I regretted what I just said. I've just been so angry ever since my I told my dad that Astoria is pregnant. As soon as I told him that she's pregnant with a girl he went up to her and started screaming at her. He claimed that no one in the Nott family has had a girl in the last 100 years and proceeded to call her a filthy cheating whore so I kicked him out. Then he owled me threatening to make us homeless by taking away the Manor.

Every since that day i've put up a wall and have been extremely protective over Astoria. When a new buyer came up to me offered to pay 100 million galleons for the prolongateur de vie I accepted straight away. If my father did decide to take away the manor at least now i'd have enough money to buy us a new place and be able to support us for a long time.

We were planning on telling the others about the pregnancy a bit later on in the year so we could sort out a gender reveal and baby shower as well. When I walked into our room I saw Astoria lying there peacefully staring at her phone. "Hey Tori what's up" I asked and she stared at me and smiled. "Nothing much i'm just a bit tired" she said and then she looked back at her phone. "Okay well i love you honey, I think i'm gonna head to bed early today" I said as I snuggled up next to her.


March 7th

Theo's POV

It had been just over a week since I've spoke to any of them, Astoria also complained about none of them replying to her but Cho. It's childish really, them refusing to interact with my wife because of a petty argument we had. None of them have swallowed their pride and decided to apologise so I decided to just not talk to them either. I went downstairs and made myself a coffee then I sat down and grabbed the latest edition of the daily prophet. When i read the first page i dropped my mug and it smashed into pieces, i spat out the hot coffee from mouth as my mouth hung open.

 When i read the first page i dropped my mug and it smashed into pieces, i spat out the hot coffee from mouth as my mouth hung open

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Theodore Nott you have outdone yourself this time. I need to say sorry as soon as possible.

I ran upstairs to my study and grabbed my quill and a few sheets of parchment.

Dear Draco,

I just saw the daily prophet and I am so so sorry, I didn't know.

Theo Nott,


Dear Blaise,

I'm so sorry. I didn't know. Please tell Draco that i apologise.

Theo Nott


Dear Draco,

Please forgive me. I should've given it to you.
I was foolish

Theo Nott


Dear Giovanna,

Please tell Draco to forgive me. I didn't know.

Theo Nott

Draco's POV

My father is dead and my mother has been hospitalised and that son of a bitch Theodore Nott keeps sending me and my wife letters. After each one comes I toss it straight into the fire.

Luckily Gia has a short shift today so she should be coming back in about an hour. I went to the kitchen to make lunch when I heard a banging at the door, I assumed Gia came home early and just forgot her keys so I went to open it. There stood Theodore Nott Jr. holding sone flowers and a card. "I just wanted to say i'm so sor-" he began but he stopped when my fist met his cheek.

"Don't EVER talk to me or my wife again. Fuck off Nott and don't even bother owling or texting us either. You are dead to me" I said as I slammed the door in his face.

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