11 years later

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11 years and 8 months later

Giovanna's POV

"Okay sweeties I'm going to miss you with all my heart" I said as I hugged Theo and Rora tightly, "Mum you said you wouldn't call us Sweetie in public" Theo whispered and I rolled my eyes. "Just get good grades guys" Draco said as he pat their backs, "Of course I will dad. I'm number 1 in my school ranks" Aurora said cockily as she wore the Malfoy signature smirk.

"Uh guys I'm gonna go look for uhm someone" Theo said as he tried walking away but I grabbed his arm before he could. "Who are you looking for?" Draco asked curiously and Theo gulped, "His crush" Aurora teased and Theo turned red. "Shut up Aurora you snitch" he spat, "Who does Theo like Rora?" I asked and she shook her head. "Give me money for chocolate and I'll talk" She said and me and Draco looked and eachother and chuckled. "How about....no" We said together and Aurora sighed "I want to look for Arya anyway" she turned around but Draco dragged her back. "Who is Theo's crush" I asked again and Theo looked at her nervously. "It's Valencia Abbot-Longbotto-" Aurora started.

"Aurora has a crush too" Theo said quickly making us turn our attention to him. "Uhm and who would that be?" Draco questioned, "Don't tell anyone but it's Kaleb Potter" she whispered as she leaned forward in-between me and Draco. "AURORA YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON KALEB POTTER?" Draco yelled making everyone look at us, Aurora's cheeks flushed bright red.

"Uhm Hi Mr and Mrs Malfoy my mum told me to give this to you" Someone said from behind me. Draco and I slowly turned around to see who it was, Kaleb Potter. He stood there smirking as he clutched onto a card, probably what Ginny wanted to give to me. "Thanks Kaleb" I said as I took the card and turned back around to talk to Aurora but she was already gone.

"Listen here Potter I'm not sure what you heard but if you break my daughters heart I swear on You know who's grave I will h-" "woah woah woah that's enough Draco, don't threaten children we've spoken about this" I said as I dragged him away from the Potter boy. "BYE THEO I LOVE YOU HUN AND SAY HI TO VALENCIA FOR ME" I shouted as Draco and I left the platform. "So Theo likes the Longbottom and Rora likes a Potter" he sighed as he shook his head.

Theodore's POV

"Ophelia I swear you were only 2 yesterday" I said as I walked her to the train. "Dad you say that every year" she replied in a monotone voice, "I wish your mother was here to see you go" I said with teary eyes.

"Well she would be here if you didn't give her all of my stuff to carry" she said and as if on cue Astoria came out holding all of Ophelia's things. "THEODORE NOTT YOU KNOW THAT I'M PREGNANT SO WHY DID YOU GIVE ME THE BAGS" she shouted and she dumped all of Ophelia's things on the floor.

"Sorry I guess" I shrugged and she slapped the back of my head, "Lazy little bitch" she muttered under her breath probably not knowing that I heard her.

"Ughhh now I have to pick that all up" Ophelia groaned, "Hey I can help you if you want" Atlas Zabini said as he jogged towards us. "Zabini if this is you trying to get me to go on a date with me the answer is still no" she said flatly, "Oh come on Nott, every girl in our year wants to date me but you" Atlas huffed and Ophelia rolled her eyes and faced away from him. "I love you mum and dad" she said as she pecked our cheeks. "Bye darling" Astoria said as Ophelia entered the train.

"When we get home you're going to make me a three course meal" she demanded and I was about to protest but she brought her fingers to my lips, "You put this baby in me so now you're going to take care of me" she smiled and I groaned. "Well if you get food poisoning that's not on me" I shrugged as I followed her off the platform.

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