The Good Old Days

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Giovanna's POV

"I brought some things from Hogwarts with me" I spoke up making everyone stare at me. "Look" I said as I reached into my bag and pulled out a sheet of paper. It was the sheet of paper Dumbledore was reading from when he announced our awards back in 7th year, it fell on the floor after his speech so I went to pick it up. I held the paper up for them to all see and they all stared at it and smiled

 I held the paper up for them to all see and they all stared at it and smiled

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Cho came closer to look at it and pointed at the photo of Draco. "I told you i'd get better results than you and I did. So this is just proof that these awards mean nothing" She said whilst smirking, "Excuse me Diggory, last time I checked we tied on everything and you got 0.025% higher than me on one test. If you round it down then we have the same score anyway" Draco said as he huffed. "I still got higher than you Malfoy so i'm smarter than you" She cheered as she danced around the room. As expected this turned into a ChoxDraco battle of wits and they started shooting questions at eachother hoping to catch the other one out.

Blaise pointed to Ginny's picture and started complaining. "I should've won the quidditch award not the ginger demon" He huffed and Ginny glared at him and Luna slapped his head. "I just meant that i'm a better player" He corrected and this time it was Ginny's time to huff. "Yeh right after this me versus you. My house at 5" Ginny said whilst still glaring at Blaise. Then they started arguing about quidditch and Theo joined in. Then Harry and Luna started talking and Cedric awkwardly joined in sometimes leaving just me and Astoria to talk. I sighed and walked over to her.

"Listen Tori i'm sorry i stopped talking to you I was just so-" "You really need to stop apologising for no reason" She said interrupting me. "I- I don't know what made me act like such a bitch" She chuckled and i smiled softly. "Lets take a selfie" She said as she looked around her side table for her phone, "You're literally fighting for your life and you still just wanna take selfies" I said as I rolled my eyes and sat beside her on her bed. We were all talking separately in our little groups when someone burst into the room, "Healer Malfoy one of your patients has requested you and since you're already here boss has decided you have to work" A healer in training called Daniella said. I just groaned and waved goodbye to everyone then got up and left to work.

Draco's POV

As soon as Gia left I walked over to Theodore, "we need to talk" I said flatly and he looked at me with fear in his eyes. I walked out the door and heard him follow, "I only came because of Gia for Astoria, as you know I do not like you and I honestly don't see our friendship ever going back to what it was. Actually i don't see us being friends at all, but for the sake of Giovanna i'm not going to beat you black and blue every time I see you but boy do I want to. Do you have anything to say?"

"Yes i'm really sorry. After I found out Astoria was pregnant I was stressed, then with my father threatening her and me I wanted to remove him from my life and be able to support myself. I know you guys would've helped us but I felt embarrassed so I didn't say anything. Then when that guy offered me 100 mill I accepted straight away. I'm so sorry i didn't tell you and I didn't give you the serum. I'm sorry for cursing at you and your father and i'm sorry for not believing you. I know you hate me but please can we be a civil towards eachother and at least be acquaintances?" He asked whilst looking at me with pleading eyes. "No" I said as I walked back into the room, Blaise gave me a look that said 'do we need to hurt him' and I just shook my head and sat down next to Cho.

"Diggory?" I asked, "Yes Malfoy" "mates?" I said and she nodded. We continued talking about random stuff for about an hour then Gia came back into the room looking extremely tired. "Fucking hell why did I want to be a healer" She sighed and then she went to Astoria's bed, climbed on it and snuggled Astoria.
"MALFOY YOU BETTER BE WORKING NOT TALKING" A loud voice shouted from outside. "YES SIR" She said back and she hopped off the bed. "Hello I'm Healer Giovanna Malfoy and i'll be checking up on you today" She said flatly at Astoria who just burst out laughing.

 "Hello I'm Healer Giovanna Malfoy and i'll be checking up on you today" She said flatly at Astoria who just burst out laughing

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@the.nice.nott: My healer was so shit
tagged: @giovanna.malfoy

@giovanna.malfoy: go fuck yourself

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@gin.and.tonic: spent the day with this sick bitch
tagged: @the.nice.nott


@harryp: Ginny i told you to not make this your caption it's mean



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@giovanna.malfoy: When your boss makes you work even though you took leave 🥲

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