Chapter 2: whats happening?

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"What's happening?" I say to myself as Johnny and I are walking outside to smoke. I think back to when I asked him about the cigarettes and how I felt when he smiled at me. It was a weird feeling, like my stomach was doing somersaults.

We've always been close, but Johnny's bad about speaking his mind. He keeps to himself most of the time, but he cracks jokes and laughs just like the rest of us.

Johnny and I went to the lot that's a couple minutes away from the house. We plopped down on the old cloth couch. Johnny handed me a smoke.
I took a match from my pocket, struck it on the concrete, and lit my cigarette. The sun was starting to sink and a beautiful sunset painted the sky with pinks, oranges, and purples.
"Hey Sydnee," Johnny said breaking the silence.
"Yeah?" I said intrigued.
"Do you ever feel like you don't belong somewhere, like you don't fit in where you've been put? I know I'm a greaser but I just feel like I don't play the part."

"Yeah, I know how you feel Johnny," I blew some smoke, "I feel like I stand out in our gang."
"Well you kinda do," Johnny laughed,
"You're a girl."
"Thanks Captain Obvious!" I punched him in the arm.
He looked at me and smiled. There goes the somersaults again. We talked for a long time about a little bit of everything: cars, the gang, whose blade was shinier, anything to keep up conversation.

"Thanks for letting me talk to you," confided Johnny, "It's nice to talk to someone about my feelings that doesn't call me a wuss." He joked.

Next thing I know Johnny's got his arms around my neck. It caught me completely off guard. Although I'm not gonna lie, I didn't mind it.
"Anytime Johnny, anytime." I said and returned his embrace

"Wake up Syd. "Wake up!"
I open my eyes to see Johnny shaking me.
"What is it?" I say groggily still trying to wake up.
"We fell asleep its around two In the morning!" He exclaimed.
"Oh no, Darry is gonna kill us. We'd better get back!" I hurriedly got up and put on my jean jacket.
"That's okay Syd," Johnny whispered, "I'm just gonna sleep here tonight."
"You sure?" I asked.
"Yeah. I'm too tired to walk."
I ran to the house and quietly unlatched the gate. I look through the window and see Soda and Two-Bit asleep on the couch and Steve is passed out in the floor. Maybe Darry is asleep, but with my luck he's sitting in his chair reading the paper.
"Great." I mumble under my breath.

I open the front door and quickly walk past Darry hoping he won't say anything. As soon as my foot touches the first step,
"Sydnee Elizabeth Curtis where on earth have you been? It's almost three in the morning!"
"Me and Johnny fell asleep in the lot. I didn't mean to. I'm sorry." I yelped.
"I'm sorry? That's all you have to say after you gave us all a heart attack!" Darry said angrily.
"I said I was sorry! What else do you want me to say!" I could feel the hot tears streaming down my cheeks.
"THAT'S ALL YOU EVER SAY!" Darry screamed. The room fell silent. I feel like my heart just broke into a million pieces. Darry has never yelled at me like that. He must have known that it hurt me because he just stood there with a look of regret on his face.
"Sydnee, I..I'm so sor-." But I ran out the the door before he could finish. By then Soda, Two-Bit, and Steve were awake and standing in the doorway watching me run away.
"Sydnee, Come back I'm sorry!" Darry called out. I didn't look back.

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