Chapter 13: trouble

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Dally had crashed at our place since we bailed him out of the cooler. I walked downstairs and saw him passed out on the couch, everyone else was still asleep but me. I shrugged and decided to go start breakfast.
As soon as the smell of sizzling bacon filled the air seven hungry boys were stumbling downstairs or into the kitchen.
"Something smells good!" exclaimed Ponyboy.
"Just a little eggs and bacon." I laughed.
Everyone sat down and I set a plate of food in front of everyone. It was gone in ten seconds flat.
"Well I'm off to work," Darry grabbed another piece of bacon, "Soda! Steve! Come on we're gonna be late if you two don't hurry up!" He grabbed his tool belt and was out the door. Soda and Steve followed quickly behind him.
"Thanks for breakfast Syd, I'm heading to bucks for a party, you comin Dal?" Asked Two-Bit.
"Yeah sure, why not? Been a while since I've seen ol' Buck." A dangerous smirk crept across Dally's face. I could tell he was up to something.
Two-Bit and Dally jumped into Two's old Green Plymouth and left for Bucks.
Johnny, Pony, and I cleaned up the breakfast dishes, then I curled up next to Johnny to watch Mickey. It felt so good to see him again. It's been a while since we could just hang out like this. Ponyboy looked at us and rolled his eyes pretending to gag. I jumped out of the chair and tackled him.
I had him in a headlock, there was nothing he could do.
"Say uncle!" I chuckled.
He groaned then finally gave in,
"Uncle! Uncle!" He tapped out.
He laughed and punched me in the arm.
"Man Syd, you're pretty tough for a girl."
"I know." I said proudly.
I smiled and gave Pony a hug, he was a great brother and I loved having him around.
We got bored and decided to go to the lot.
The sun was just starting to go down so the air started to get chilly.
"Glory it's c-c-cold." I said through chattering teeth.
Johnny took off his jacket and put it over my shoulders.
"Is that better Syd?" He kissed my forehead.
"You bet." I blushed.

Sunlight poured into the window causing me to jerk awake. I felt the sheets underneath my hands, why was I home? Last I remembered I was at the lot with Johnny and Ponyboy. I quickly got dressed and hurried downstairs to find Johnny, Pony, and the rest of the gang in the living room, but something was off.
They all had sullen looks on their faces and all was silent, not even Two-bit cracked a smile or a joke.
Then I noticed something, There were only six boys in the room.
"What's going on?" I slowly came down the stairs and into the living room.
Darry looked away and then met my gaze.
"Dallas is...well, he's...gone," Darry choked, "I woke up this morning and he wasn't on the couch and nobody has seen him."
"Is he dead?" I croaked.
No, he's just gone." Two-bit uttered.
I didn't know what to think, or say, or do, so I did nothing. Nobody did anything.

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