Chapter 7

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Katniss POV.

Peeta's house is a complete mess. Doesn't even look like Peeta's. He has always been very organized and his house was always clean. I remember visiting him once in awhile after the Victory tour and his house was always so cozy and welcoming. The smell of cinnanim and fresh paint was everywhere and it always made me feel warm inside. But now it doesn't smell like that. It actually doesn't smell like anything and it makes me feel empty. The Tv is crashed into million pieces, the furniture is trashed, and there are pans, books, crashes glasses everywhere on the floor. There are also muddy footprints.

I follow them until the end of the hallway, where they finish.

"Peeta?" I call.

What happened? Why is the house like this. Did someone break in? What if they hurt him? But I know better than that 'Of course it was Peeta who did this. He probably had a flashback or something.' Suddenly I feel scared, what if he hurts me? Worst than that what if he hurts himself? I can't have that. I need to find him immediatly.

"Peeta?" I call a litle louder, urgently.

Out of nowhere I can hear mumbles and whispers near me. I look around.

Then I see him. Peeta is curled up in a ball with his hands covering his ears, rocking back and forward under the stair.

"Peeta?" I slowly walk up to him and place myself next to him, eventhough there's not a lot of space under the stairs. I place my arm around him.

His face is contracted into a frown and his eyelids are shut. Tears stream down his face. He is completely wet, shaking violently, and his clouthes are covered with dirt. Probably from being outside.

At first I feel awkward, I really don't know what to do in this situation. Peeta would know, he always knows how to calm me down. What would he do?

I think for a moment. Then I hold his hand and get closer to him.

His mumbles are getting louder, almost turning into screams.

"No... please stop it! STOP!" He chokes out between sobs. I feel a lump forming in my throat and my eyes tearing up. But I can't cry right now. I have to be strong for him, for Peeta.

"Peeta? Peeta, can you hear me?" I ask him. This only results in another round of mumbles and whimpers.

"Peeta, please. It's Katniss. You don't need to be scared, I'll protect you." I whisper to his ear. This seems to be working because his facial expression is softening and his whimpers are turning into loud sobs. I stroke his hair. "Shh it's okay Peeta. It's not real." I say soothingly.

Peeta keeps repeating to himself Not Real until he stops shaking and looks up to me.

"K-Katniss?" He stutters, his voice hoarse from crying.

"Yeah, I came here to check in you." I say in a soothing tone.

"Why?" He says. More like whispers.

Why did I come? That's actually a good question. 'Because I love you.' I think, but I don't say it. Instead I say:

"Because I care."

"Why do you care?" He looks deep in my eyes. They are not cloudy anymore, like they were when he came back from the Capitol. But there's not that sparkle that I used to see, they look empty. I don't answer his question, instead I stand up and let my instinct of taking care of the ones I need tale the controll.

I help him stand and take him upstairs.

"Where we going, Katniss?" He asks sleepily. He barely can stand on his own and I don't even know why. The flashback must have drained him all the energy. I look at him again. He has cuts in his face, one of them is bleeding badly. His covered in dirt.

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