Chapter 14

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Katniss' POV.
"Peeta, could you give me a hand?" I ask. Peeta runs up time and pick up the box I was taking, pilling up two heavy boxes, taking them to my house.
It's been two months since I said Peeta 'Real' and we've been getting closer and closer by the second. Today he's finally moving in, which doesn't really change a lot because Peeta already spent basically all the time at my place.
"Katniss, could you open me the door?" Peeta asks.
I run up to my house and open the door letting Peeta in. He sets the boxes in the ground by the entrance, turning towards me. He comes up to me and kisses my forehead.
I lightly smile.
"How many boxes are left?" I ask.
"Just more two. You know, there's really kit a lot of stuff I actually need from that house." Peeta answers. He always had something against that house. Maybe because it reminds him to much of the Games and the rebellion, and with the hijacking and all, it mustn't be very pleasant. That and Maybe because of the loneliness he must have felt in that house.
"What do the boxes have?" I ask, breaking the silence.
"Nothing special, just a few clothes, art stuff and some memories, I guess you could call them that."
"Like what?"
"Just some pictures and stuff from my family. I searched for all the pictures I had in my house of them, in very single place." Peeta says, looking at the ground.
Peeta usually avoids talking about his family, and I also try not to talk about it. I know it's a touchy subject. He never had a great relatioship with his family, and then they all die. Plus, when Peeta was hyjacked he lost most of the memories of his family.
I place my hand in Peeta's cheek, forcing him to look at me.
"It's fine." I say, kissing the tip of his nose. Peeta smiles and pecks my lips before going back to lifting boxes.
"Come on, Kat, move your lazzy ass over here and help me unpacking!" Peeta calls out from upstairs. I giggle and go help Peeta tidy his clothes in the wardrobe.
After everything is in its place we go to the living room.
"What do you want to do now?" I ask.
Peeta puts his arm around me and kisses my head.
"Whatever you want to do." He says.
"Let's just do nothing." I say.
We both sit in the couch and cuddle in each other, Buttercup laying in Peeta's lap. I glare at the cat.
Peeta chuckles, petting it behind the ear.
"What's wrong? Do you want me to pet you behind the ear too?" Peeta asks jokingly.
"It's nothing. I just don't like sharing." I say.
Peeta smiles and kisses my cheek.
"I'm all yours." Peeta whispers in my ear. I giggle, shooing Buttercupp off Peeta's lap, and placing there my head, instead.
Peeta starts stronking my hair. I close my eyes letting myself dozze off.
I wake up to the sound of someone knocking on the door.
Peeta stands up to go see who it is. I sight resting my head on the soft fluffy pillow that rests on the couch.
"Hey sweetheart!" I huff. It was Haymitch who interrupted my nap.
"What do you want?" I spat.
"Easy, sweetheart." He says.
I huff again, trying to ignore him, but the disgusting stench of alchool he brought with him is stopping me.
"Could you start bathing?" I ask.
Peeta, who just came in the living room chuckles.
"What brings you here, Haymitch?" Peeta asks.
"Nothing, just checking on you guys." he slurs. As usual he's drunk.
"It's been months since the last time you came checking on us." Peeta says, obviously not satisfied with Haymitch's answer.
"Well I think it's about time I did."
I roll my eyes. "Whatever." I mumble a little upset he interrupted my nap for nothing.
"I'm going to the market get some more liquor. Are you going to join me?" Haymitch says.
"No." I flatly say.
"I guess I could go with you. I need to by some paint and supplies." Peeta says.
"But I was hoping we could do something together in the afternoon." I pout.
Peeta comes up to me and holds my hand.
"I'll be fast, don't worry. I'll be fast, and to make it up to you, when I come back I'll cook you lamb stew." he says.
I sight "Fine, but don't take too long."
"Okay. I love you." Peeta says kissing my nose.
"And I love you." I kiss his nose too. It's something we always do, for some reason.
I love the way Peeta's expression lights up always that I say I love him. It makes me feel that I'm part of his happiness.
Peeta comes closer to me, our noses touching, a grin across his face. I can't stop myself from grinning too. We stay like that for a few moments, until his lips smash into mine, in a passionate kiss.
"Okay, Let's go!" Haymitch says. Peeta nods and follows him. soon They're out the door.
I sight as I think of what should I do. In These last months there was barely no moment I spent by myself. Peeta and I had gotten inpseperable, and now it feels foreign to me to sit here in the couch on my own.
I hear a meow coming from the kitchen. Buttercup's probably hungry again, like he alway his.
"You hungry, stupid cat?" I ask him.
It meows loudly and I get him a piece of ham. I like to feed Buttercup, it's perhaps the only friendly interaction we share, besides crying together about Prim.
"You really are a ugly cat." I say looking him in the eyes, very close to his whiskers.
I expect Peeta don't take very long so Idecide to just wait for him in the kitchen, while petting Buttercup.
Soon sleep takes me away, and I fall asleep in the kitchen table, waiting for my boy with the bread to come back.
I wake up to the sound of the front door closing.
I can easily hear Peeta cleaning the dirt of his feet in the entrance, and taking off his shoes.
I remember the way my mother would get excited and happy when she heard the sound of my father's footsteps in the entrance, when he arrived home from the mines. I now understand how it feels like, because every single minute passed without Peeta feels like hell. Love really is merely madness.
I run to the entrance.
"Peeta!" I say, almost jumping in him. "Missed you so much!" I screech.
Peeta chuckles.
"Sorry for the delay." He says.
"Delay?" I look at the clock, it's almost 11 pm. I've been sleeping so long I didn't even notice. "What happened?" I asked. Now I notice how pale Peeta is.
"What happened?" I ask, a sudden worry coming to me.
"It was nothing. I just freaked a little when we passed by the bakery." he mumbles.
I pull Peeta in a tight hug.
"I'm sorry I took so long. I just-" Peeta stops, his breathing starting to get uncontrolled, I know he is trying not to cry, but still a few sobs escape his lips.
I rest his head on my shoulder, caressing his soft hair.
"It's okay, it's fine."
"I'm sorry I kept you waiting." He chores out between sobs.
"It's fine. you're okay. We're okay." I say caringly.
We stay like that for some time, Peeta trying not to sob and me ressurging him.
"Can we go to bed?" Peeta asks.
After a flashback or something Peeta always gets exhausted and I can understand he doesn't want to show it. I have to admit, although I've spent the whole afternoon sleeping, I'm tired too.
"Yeah, Let's go."
Me and Peeta go up the stairs, never letting go of each others hands.
Peeta is so tired he only takes off his jacket and his shoes before thorwing himself in bed. I giggle while picking up a short from Peeta that I use as pijamas. I don't feel like changing either, do I just put on the shirt and stay on my underwear.
When I look at Peeta again, his eyes are barely open, so tired he is. I cuddle him under the blankets and slipp in the bed, resting my head in Peeta's shoulder. He softly kisses my nose and I kiss his.
"I love you, no matter what." I say.
"And I love you." Peeta says.
I smile and let sleep take me away, while Peeta's warmth and scent encloses me in utter peace.

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