[2] Achlys

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Third Person POV

The light soon dissipated leaving Aki on an altar in front of an ethereal woman, whose looks almost placed Aki into a hypnotic state. If she were to be an idol on Earth, no doubt she would dominate the entire industry. It's as if she could sprout wings at any time and fly into heaven, wow... just wow.

"I apologize young Aki but unfortunately, I cannot fly up to heaven because right now

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"I apologize young Aki but unfortunately, I cannot fly up to heaven because right now... we are kind of in it?" The woman says with an awkward smile and darts her eyes as if she felt guilty.

'She could read my thoughts?? And HEAVEN?? What does that even mean, ...'

'I must've died right then and there  ...'

"Excuse me, how did I die?"

"Well Aki, when the government asked you to create the antidote to the poison, the Russian Intelligence Agency found out. They couldn't have their prized poison's antidote to be spread so they decided to take out the scientist which was you, before you gave the recipe to your countries' authorities. The top assassins in the world worked together to kill you, and with their skills, you didn't have a way to escape.

*Long sigh from Aki

"AHHHH such a terrible way to die, my entire life was horrible and there wasn't even a single time I smiled in that entire lifetime! My life was so depressing and to top it all off, I die at such a young age? I truly am an embarrassment" Aki mumbles to himself.

"I'm still here, young one, and I must admit that I am the reason for all of the pain throughout your life. I have made a mistake and you are evidently who bore all the consequences."


Even though Aki was a genius it's still a little tough to hear someone say they are from Heaven, and that his entire life was ruined by a single individual. For Aki, it's completely illogical.

"I will introduce myself since I know your identity while you don't know mine. Prepare yourself, I am Achlys the Great. A god among gods and I am the ruler of many universes and normally, an excellent one. However, in the 12 billion years I've been watching over the galaxies, Aki Yuuto is my first mistake.

Aki, you were never supposed to be born into this world and instead to another of my universes, your soul slipped out of my domain and re-entered into the world you had previously lived in. When you aren't designated by I, Achlys into a dimension the World Force will sense you and naturally think of you as an intruder.

    Thus the side effects of the experience led every native of the universe on a first impression to have a natural inclination to not only despise you but utterly want to destroy you. It's this reason I commend you, is because even though the odds were against you I can easily say you almost have perfect intelligence and used this talent to help many. You've managed to save millions with your vaccinations and the technology you created improved life for every citizen in the world.

    I regret this mistake and I hope you will forgive me." Achlys ends her speech with a 90-degree bow to Aki.


    "Achlys, Aki you deserve to call me by my name"

    "Achlys... I forgive you, life was a living hellhole however when my life ended, I escaped everyone who hurt me, for this

I thank you."

"Aki, just bringing you out of your world doesn't make up for the misdeeds I've made, Aki would you like to be reincarnated into a wonderful world? This world is truly one you'll adore where you can be able to pursue what you would like and find love in wonderful men."

"Did you just say, man? As in the same gender, as well as PLURAL!?" Aki.who.has.never.been.in.love.exe has stopped working.

"Aki, my mistake is so large and rare I will give you some special gifts and tidbits to make this life much better than the last along the way of your life

and by the way,  yes I did say men ( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º )

Aki, you don't have a preference gender in your soul however you yearn for a specific group of people, which can be found in this world, they are men but they will love you.

"What is the other option instead of reincarnation?"

"Well, your soul would be extinguished and you would cease to exist."

"I'll take the reincarnation please, I'm extremely grateful for this opportunity!" Aki said quickly.

"Well, it was kind of my fault that you went through a living hell so I leave you with a parting gift to start your journey,

Aki, I will detach your pain from your soul; this will help you trust others better. I won't erase your memories but I hope that getting rid of your past life's chains will make this life as wonderful as it can be.

You see ...     your anger, regret, and sadness weigh down your soul which makes your transfer into the new universe harder. If I separate the soul and these feelings towards the people from your old world, a weight will be lifted off your mind. I promise it's a positive thing."

AN/ I wrote this last paragraph to say Aki won't be so depressed anymore because he doesn't feel the pain as much anymore, our little MC is starting off with a clean slate!

After hesitating for a second Aki says while scratching the back of his head embarrassedly,

"I'll trust you, I don't think there's much I can do right now,

"Aki, I wish you the best of luck, and may you enjoy your second life to its fullest...."

The light suddenly reappeared and Aki felt as if his body had become limp...

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