[14] Brother Day

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Elias POV

Its been 3 weeks since my first day at Ivoryguard Academy. The student council position really fits me, however the student body has a different idea of my personality than I think I have. I'm not sure if its too out of hand so I guess I'll let them go with their fan clubs. It is their high school career so I'll do what they want. I don't want to be such a sticker and they aren't harming themselves which is good.

Today is Friday and I'm just finishing up some paperwork for allowance for some new clubs. Unlike other days though, I'm in an exceptionally good mood! Tomorrow is Saturday, and the day my sweetest brother in the world comes to visit me! He's going into a carriage just for me, I have the best brother in the world. I've never been away for so long from him since he was an infant. Even then I visited every 2-3 days at most so I would say I've been with him throughout his existence! He's just too cute for this world!

My friends are going to meet Atticus this weekend and I hope their interaction goes well. The 6 seem really wary to meet Atticus, I imagine because none have really good family relationships. Xerxes must be conflicted at the moment so I didn't bring it up. Well there's enough cuteness from Atticus for everybody! This is going to be a funny surprise, I wonder if Atticus looked alike as children? Idk Atticus is too cute to be compared.

Other Dukes POV

Ever since Elias dropped the bomb that someone from his home estate that is male and used to spend everyday with him, we've been working out, making ourselves more pleasing, and more to show whoever this person is. Elias doesn't say his name, smart guy... If we had the name the spies would be already out looking for traces of this person. Touche...

Tommorrows the day and getting Elias' emotion is no help. Elias is sending way too many happy feelings through the cuff links. The amount is easily comparable to Elias coming Ivoryguard academy in the first place. Who is this person that can make Elias more excited for not seeing each other for 3 weeks when we didn't see him for 7 years???

The 7 people under one roof all go to sleep that night wondering what kind of events will happen tomorrow. One optimistic, Six thinking a war will go down.


Around 10AM Elias rushes everyone out of the house, Elias can't help but exclaim,

"You guys will love him, he's kind of a secret to the public but telling you guys is fine. His cuteness is out of the world!"

The guys all liked watching Elias gush about things happily because he gets really excited and less shy however when it's about another guy their eyebrows can't help but furrow.

Once arriving at the front of the school Elias talked to the others to make sure his Atticus had the best environment.

"Ummm the kid your meeting is really shy and hasn't left the manor once, like myself until I was 8. He hasn't met anybody new in a really long time so I'm unsure if he'll be introverted or not. But if he is super shy I might split with you guys earlier than planned. Maybe pushed earlier than 12PM?"

The guys all dying of their own jealousy suddenly turned to stone.

"Wait... KID, AS IN NOT OUR AGE??? Bruh WHAT IS THIS??" By this moment the guys were starting to realize how they jumped to conclusions but now more curious than ever.

It was at this moment a little black cloaked figure around 4'11/149.86 walks around bewildered.

Elias notices and at the speed of light creates a barrier for sound and the ability to see from the outside. A beautiful male with usually an elegant air suddenly dashes towards the hooded figure.

Elias wasn't the strongest but he was very agile and speedy. The others saw but couldn't keep up and could only watch. The boy at least had shown them it wasn't a love rival.

However Elias still had some air and dignity when around them, he relaxed but he wasn't so comfortable with the dukes yet. The unknown figure already had what the dukes wanted so the jealousy lingered.

When the cloaked Atticus was in arms reach of Elias, Elias took his arms and wrapped around Atticus, effectively lifting Atticus off the floor and swinging him in circles. If anyone could see Elias, they would see the most famed duke heir showing a pearly white close-eyed smile. This image could paralyze the entire country. Off course the effect was left only onto the dukes but all were thoroughly shocked. Elias looked so happy,

After a couple spins the hood falls off the kid and pops out a kid who looked shocked and scared, the amazing thing, the boy was a carbon copy of ELIAS! Memories were extremely fresh of 8 year old Elias! This was a 6 year-old version. 2 years clearly made a difference. This Elias clone had soft cheeks like Elias but with some baby fat rounding his fact. His eyes seemed to stay in a forever watering stage, Elias was a happy kid while this kid quivered, cute nonetheless. The only difference between the two, Elias had enchanting blue eyes, and the kid had green. Finally, the kid didn't have floral horns upon his head. Since he isn't the successor he didn't have beast traits,

This image allowed them to see the clear picture, no rival but it seems like the Belphegor Duchy has a second child hiding in the manor. Something about that family and locking them away. Their ideas are looked down upon but, on account of the childrens looks, the hiding away plan did make sense. All the dukes agreed,

"Elias being at home only for us is such a wonderful thought, however if we kept him there against his will, happy Elias is more mouthwatering and angry Elias makes my heart hurt."

Once Elias had enough of giving his little brother motion sickness, he took his brothers hand and led them over to his friends. In a soft yet happy voice,

"Guys this is my little brother, Atticus Belphegor!

Atticus, these are my friends and roommates, from left to right its Damien, Kyrian, Xerxes, Atlas, Orpheus, Adonis"

"Hello, Atticus it's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Atlas" Atlas starts bending down to the child. Atlas liked the idea of having a little brother to pamper so he thought Elias was lucky.

The others quickly said their hellos and in a quiet voice Atticus said,

"I'm Atticus and big brother is mine!" Atticus had a really red face and wasn't used to speaking out loud to new people, afterwards he grabbed Elias' leg and asked to be picked up. The younger brocon naturally had seen those predator looks when he walked up, no way would he give away his brother so easily.

Elias POV

'Omg he said I was his?? Atticus is so cute, he cares about my feelings so much, OML he wants to be picked up??? Of COURSEEEE any time!!!!"

Elias hadn't been able to notice the young boy staring at the giants cursing all of them for being so tall. His brother is so smart and strong, he shouldn't be shackled by these stupid dukes.

The dukes immediately felt a little sour towards the boy, why is he so two faced? So young, he had Elias, oh wait. Elias is the reason. 



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