[13] S-Class

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As the 7 approach the school, all realize that they have no idea where their S-class classroom is. From being in school for a short while the 7 naturally heard rumors that S-Class doesn't have an actual classroom. However the entire class is mysterious so no one knows, from what students say, all students in S-Class are sworn to secrecy.

With no way to tell where the S-Class is the 7 ponder where the classroom would be. However one of the third-years said something interesting to the Dukes,

"When hands strike 10, bats fly to seek the knowledge of Pheonia." 

This entire sentence all made sense to Elias and the others so they all went to the forest for herbs. The plan was to get some light grass.

The riddle was pretty simple, to meet the rest of S-Class, at 10AM the students had to approach the right Pheonian history book, with the herb light grass on their body. The light grass scent is respective to Pheonian Sonic Bats, which live in coves near the school. 

The Dukes made it back on time with the teleport gate and it took them 2.5 minutes to find the right book. Waiting to the moment the school clocktower hits 10, the 7 sit. However something weird happens, instead of waiting 5 minutes an illusion from the clock tower shows and the bell rings 5 minutes early! If they hadn't come early they wouldn't have been granted access.  Inside was a room that a professor would use at a college for lectures. 

A haggard man sits in the front of the classroom, no one could tell what he really looked like since he had matted hair and large glasses. No one minded though because there was no rule that incredibly intelligent people had to have etiquette. In fact its quite heard of that genius are unkempt as their work called to them. Elias never had this issue because he found working as a pastime since his life was so cruel. Now that he can have fun he does distance himself from doing experiments 24 hours a day. Elias has become quite accustomed to sleeping :)

"Welcome, students" The man said towards the group of children that entered the classroom.

"Hello Sir, Is this the S-Class?"

"Yes it is, however you'll never see this place again, as new students you don't know but this class is for independent study and the chance to hone your magic and skills on you own. All you have to do is submit 1 project by the end of the semester. Things like complete or not don't concern me. All that matters is whether your idea is creative and helpful to your education. There will be other students coming throughout the day so by next week I'll send a letter about a list of your classmates. Remember do not contact me ever.

Please exit from those doors, and you are sworn to secrecy."

"Mhm, okay good bye sir." The seven bow and exit the class. 


"That was kind of anticlimactic, wasn't it?" Elias asked kind of downhearted, he expected a lazy teacher but he won't get to know his classmates till next week, less socialization. 

"Well, you can meet people next week, I'm pretty excited for a project though, the capital has some of the best equipment in the Empire. None of our families could probably reach it, unless the Belphegors used their little genius to make some equipment for them..."Damien said looking up into the sky and then down to Elias.

"I've made a couple instruments for research, do you guys want to start on a project today? We could all work together for one as well?"

"Yeah, what was the fields you guys wanted your project though?" Kyrian asked, he wanted to look into medicine but would wait for everyone else's response.

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