[6]Capital Visit

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Timeskip: 5 Years Later

Elias is 5 turning 6 next week, Elias is starting develop his Qilin horns that carry over to every form he is in. His sloth mentality is supposedly going to come at age 6.5- 7  or earlier. Elias gets tired every now and then, but it hasn't completely come yet

Elias is now 5 years old, his family has acknowledged his prowess, they don't know his magic is in his body however, they realize he is probably the best in the world in martial arts, magic, and more  Unfortunately, Elias' growth spurt at 8 months...

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Elias is now 5 years old, his family has acknowledged his prowess, they don't know his magic is in his body however, they realize he is probably the best in the world in martial arts, magic, and more  Unfortunately, Elias' growth spurt at 8 months is going to be his only one and he is now at the same height as everyone else or even a tad shorter.

Since it's Elias' 6th birthday in a week, the Belphegor's allowed Elias to go to the Parade alone... oh wait they did? No they did not, not at all! However with the handy-dandy creation magic Elias created himself a nice clone to take his place back at home!

'I'm almost 6 and there's so much to do, first on the list... BECOME STINKING RICH! To support my family I'm going to give them the world... so today I need to figure out what this empire is missing and completely monopolize the profits! My butler, Conscen will take care of everything once I get the idea.'

The boy said this righteously however he just wanted to do business on top as an excuse to hide the fact that he really wanted to go to a parade.

'AHHHH maybe there will be confetti? I liked confetti in my own world even though I never used it... AHHHHH *fanboy screams I JUST WANNA HAVE FUNNN'


Safely at the Parade:

Elias POV:

The parade was similar to red lantern festivals on Earth, but a day celebration for all of the commoners. With a cloak covering my entire body and my illusion with creation magic almost covering all of my horns I walked around all of the stalls. I noticed there were lots of normal food stalls, however not a lot of materialistic things, I guess in this time people don't like the mini toys and carnival games. This kind of makes sense since commoners don't really have extra money.

Picking up some tanghulu for 5 bronze coins, candied haws is good in any world!

Currency time!

10 bronze- 1 silver coin

20 silver coin- 1 gold coin

*Most commoners live on 5 silver coins a year if they are people from the country like farmers


After walking around the festival 3 times, Elias felt like he got an idea of what the market is like at this time, and decided to find a project at home. Before heading off back to the estate, Elias noticed an alley which he didn't see prior, there weren't any stalls in the dingy area but Elias could tell there was a small lifeform there, an animal or person his size.

Elias wasn't devoid of compassion being so smart, and actually enjoyed visiting a small orphanage down his street, however when he saw what was actually in the alley he was shocked to say the least.

There was a boy his age and size shivering in the cold with only a loose tarp over him. With his state Elias could assume the boy hadn't eaten recently. In a calm and soothing voice Elias said while approaching slowly,

"Hello excuse me?"

The young boy looks up quickly but when his eyes laid on Elias' figure his eyes relaxed a little and he gave eye contact to acknowledge Elias' presence

Elias took notice and walked up a little more,

"Could you allow me to help? I won't hurt you, I have the abilities to make you feel better?"

The boy looked up warily again but allowed him to do so,

Elias used his creation magic underneath his cloak immediately upon his nod. Giving the boy a scarf and some food, the boy took the food immediately and allowed Elias to put the scarf on. When Elias got close his jaw dropped a little, the boy's arms and legs were littered with bruises and wounds, having created healing magic but not being old enough to technically have magic, Elias opted for Earth medicine with mana infused to speed up the process.

"Hey, would you come with me into a room so I can bandage you up, these injuries are nothing but waiting to get infected"

The boy had no idea what was infected yet, but to have his injuries healed by a kind child for free was something he didn't mind, so he said yes.

AN: If this was anybody but our kind MC you would be kidnapped by now BOY.

In the Rented Hotel Room

Elias nursed the boy back to health while still in his disguise.

"Hello, can you speak? If so, what is your name?"



"... xerxes" a small voice came out from the blankets he wrapped himself in

"I can't really my face right now, but my name is Elias! How old are you!"

Elias asks in a happy and soothing voice

"I'm 6"

"We're in the same year! That's great isn't it!"

Xerxes POV:

"Mhm.. yeah it is"

'The boy in front of me is kind, Elias is his name huh? I like him, I like him a lot. To nurse me back to health so magically, he's like an angel...'

Xerxes had stars in his eyes as he looked at his saviour however our now dimwit MC was looking at the multitude of injuries.

"Excuse me, if you don't mind me asking, how did you get these injuries, if it's from a gang or something of that sort I can make the debt go away..."

'Oh, should I really tell him, maybe he won't like me anymore if he knows.'

"I can't really tell you now but let's meet again, and when we do I will tell you everything!" Xerxes says with a smile as he gets up and starts to walk out of the room.

'Mark my words when we meet again I will be able to support you in every way.'


I believe the next time we meet will be at The Church's Meilrune Stone Ceremony, lets each wear a red ribbon around our wrist when we get there so we can meet up!" Elias said not wanting to be alone when he went as an 8 year old.

"Okay sure!"

The two walked off in separate directions hoping to become big people in the future.

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