[12] First Day of School

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Elias POV

Today is the day before school starts, the dukes and I are going to get our uniforms fitted, afterwards, we head to the student council office to get our ranks changed and have our uniforms slightly altered in color to signify we are student council.

I'm not too scared for tomorrow other than the fact I have to have a speech at the opening ceremony, I wonder if any of the students will say I'm not manly enough or something. I like my body a lot after reincarnating but I care about my perception of myself from others so this is naturally my biggest worry. Public speaking was never an issue for me because on Earth I gave many press conferences for my new releases into society. Not many people liked me in person but enjoyed what I sold on the market frequently.

Back to the activities at hand, we are all walking towards the tailor in the school, the way this school is created is that it has a mini capital inside the school for children to purchase things from. It's extremely hard for merchant products to get in without at least 3 different screening trials to ensure top products for us. Luckily, Braunweiler got in because our products are part of an untouched market meaning no one can compete. The tailor is one of the top 10 clothing designers/enthusiasts in the Empire, I wonder why they desired to work on children. I'll never know but the tailor does seem a little interesting,

Dukes POV

Elias woke us all up an hour ago so we could head out today. He made us breakfast and when Elias woke us up, I thought I was in heaven and God was calling me. He is truly a celestial being, Elias disregarded his sin and made his horns longer so he could get up early and use fresh-picked food from the greenhouse for us.

'The last 7 years have been torture without you Elias uwahhhh!!'

'Can I just confess to you now? Waking up to you by my bedside isn't good for my heart!'

'I just want to cuddle you now, why do you have to be so awake for my sake! I just want a nice hug!'

All 6 guys were startled, to say the least, this morning when a gentle voice cooed,

"Its morning~

get up!"

While Elias entered the room, he opened the curtains to let sunlight in. After he focused on the unconscious matter in the middle of the bed. No one in the house had even heard of such a small thing as the twin-sized bed, all used something larger than a king so Elias would hitch a knee up onto the bed and lean to the middle to rock them awake.

When they looked over they saw a fair-skinned maiden leaning towards them saying to wake up. The angle made it so they could see Elias' fair collarbones paired with the rosy tint on his cheeks due to harvesting in the greenhouse.

'This is too enticing... is living with Elias really a smart decision?




YES, IT IS, imagine if some ruffian were to be woken up like this instead of me? I would close this school down instantly.' Ψ( ̄∀ ̄

So the morning truly started with 6 fully grown men blushing and pitching a tent. In less than 24 hours, the inevitable happened. All of them thanked Fate for not letting Elias notice.


Elias wore his cloak today since it technically wasn't school yet so he wouldn't break his resolution. Only Elias and Adonis wore cloaks though because magic doesn't work on beast traits, meaning cloth is the next best thing when illusion magic can't.

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