[9] 6 Days of Training and Fun

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Lil fluff for yall :)

I didn't want to just make them all go home when there is 6 days left of "magic sealing' days to do so the kiddos will be having a vacation for a week :)


*The 8-year-olds all arrived on a Sunday

Monday: Orpheus POV

The guys and I all worked out that we would all get a day to spend with Elias, I got to go first after winning rock-paper-scissors. Upon this, the guys leave the room and it's just Elias and me. When sleeping like this, he looked like real-life sleeping beauty, waiting to be kissed.

'WAIT, what am I thinking!' *cue blush from an 8-year-old boy

I stare at his unconscious state for a while longer taking in his grace before tenderly taking Elias' hand to wake him up.

In a soft and tenderly voice that even shocked me at how kind it sounds I said,

"Hey Elias wake up, wake up, it's a new day!"

I knew he did expend a lot of mana yesterday so I was wondering if he could arise, but he did! Popping out his horns a little he woke up nicely.

Shining one of his lovely close eyed smiles, Elias asked,

"Good morning, what are we doing today?"

'Ahhhh, so cuteeee" I absentmindedly thought as I reached to pinch his cheeks,

'Uwah, sooo soft'

"Haha, okay I'm up, I'm up let gooo of my cheeks" came from a muffled voice as he started to get up.

Reluctantly I take my hand away and said,

"Do you want to explore the forest behind the church? If we find clearing we can sit there and practice magic?"

"Sure! I'm good at helping others to fuse their two magic affinities to create powerful spells so I'll help with control and that!" Elias said getting ready,

We met at the edge of the forest since we both needed to get ready, after a 45-minute walk in, we found a wonderful clearing to practice. Elias tells me my affinities, Space, Lightning, and Darkness.

"Orpheus, you are very strong! You have a rumored element as one of your magic!"

It felt very nice to be praised by Elias and the sentence that he said really inspired me to be stronger. Elias had told us yesterday that he had Creation magic and that he could use all of the magic, we were all surprised but more or less surprised in Elias. It made us feel better when he said he wasn't a god or anything and used his main affinities since, just because he could use the element did not mean there wasn't backlash since it wasn't an element that liked his body.

Elias helped me with my control and we even created a fusion attack from my lightning and darkness. I could send channels of darkness to people with lightning laced through the entire thing to kill magical beasts and beastmen.

Around 4PM my mana was starting to decrease so we decided to call it a day. I was huffing and puffing on the ground, normally I was embarrassed but the fact that my cool magic was the reason behind this made me feel like it wasn't embarrassing to show this side in front of Elias.

"Ah, you're sweating a lot with some bruises, come over Orpheus!"

I looked to see Elias calling me from underneath a tree, of course, I wanted to be near him but I said, "I smell."

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