[11] Ivoryguard Academy

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After many years of not seeing each other, the 7 of us decided to meet at the front of the academy 2 days before school starts. All the children who go to this institute are required to live in dorms on campus. An important point of Ivoryguard Academy is that at this school, using status to fight with other students is forbidden, all that matters here is strength. However, it doesn't matter whether I use status or strength. At the moment I am the strongest at the academy. My biggest fear now is if someone asks me to join the student council, I don't mind leading but I don't want to kick out the past president of his job.

Arriving at my school, my parents are teary-eyed and hug me close, my wonderful brother Atticus starts CRYING. He didn't want me to go but I really had to. We decided to meet up every 3 weeks on the weekend and to have a brother-only day. Once my family allowed me to leave our carriage and enter my school years, my warm facade turned more cold and serious. I was still under a cloak like normal, but this was a one-day thing. Once school starts I'll walk around without a cloak, that's my resolve to be less shy! Let the horns out!

Walking to the front courtyard of the academy I was amazed

Walking to the front courtyard of the academy I was amazed

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This is the Academy

I wore a red ribbon around my wrist just for the fun of the old days, that week 7 years ago was the only week that I left the estate ever so the memories remain rooted in my mind. I don't think they'll ever leave.


Today is the first-day meeting Elias, we're so nervous. All waking up at various times from 3AM to 5AM we all made sure to come to the academy a day before Elias so we can monopolize time when he is here. This is the first time talking in 7 years so we all talked that we should slowly ease back into friends before asking about dating with Elias. The phrase, 'boil a frog in warm water' was especially true because if we don't creep slowly, Elias will definitely run away.

Elias has had some emotional fluctuations in the past year different from the last 6 years so all of us hope he'll tell us everything that happened. His parents didn't die or anything so all of us are in the dark about what causes his emotions.

AHHHH We have 2 hours, We need to make sure to look as good as we can. By the way, all of us took really good care of our hair when we grew up (。・ω・。)

Adonis: "Do my wings look nice? Should I make them dirty so Elias grooms them? Or should I make them nice, I want him to compliment them (⇀‸↼‶)"

Orpheus: "Wahhhh my hair is nice and shiny, Elias tell me I look nice when we meet ∪ ̄ᴥ ̄∪"

Damien: "Is my cowlick down, my hair sleek and straight? Check, onto skincare..."

Kyrian: "do my muscles look good? Should I work out to get them nice before Elias comes? NO, I need to smell good so he'll like me and make me food (○` 3′○")

Atlas: "Does the uniform look good on me? Does my face look nice? Elias, please come soon my heart can't take anymore!"

Xerxes: "Elias was so cute as a child, what is he got prettier as he grew up, if he's too pretty he won't like me, WHAT DOES ELIAS LIKE...."

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