Chapter 12

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Morningstar howled for her clan to gather. "Today, two kits become apprentices. Ashkit, you shall be known as Ashpaw. Your mentor shall be Stonefire. Berrykit, you shall be known as Berrypaw. Your mentor shall be Yellowflame."

"Ashpaw! Berrypaw!" The clan cheered before Morningstar dismissed them with a flick of her tail.

"Ashpaw," Stonefire called. "We're exploring the territory today." Ashpaw trotted towards the fern tunnel. Soon enough, both cats dipped into the forest. The new-leaf wind warmed their pelts. Blossom petals drifted into view.

"Wow. It's beautiful." Ashpaw drank in every sight she saw. Her eyes darted from one thing to the next.

"You know what Brindlepelt, he was my mentor, did with me on my first day of apprenticeship?" The cream tom mewed. "He raced me all across the forest, which helped me remember which border was which." The warrior then got into a running crouch. "I'll race you to the IcyClan border!" He started taking off, only to realize that Ashpaw wasn't following.

"I'd rather learn like a normal apprentice, thank you." Ashpaw hissed. "I'm not a kit anymore. I don't have time for games."

"Oh, okay." Stonefire disappointedly huffed, before they continued walking at a normal pace.

Yellowflame and Berrypaw were carrying back bundles of moss. "You did great, Berrypaw. You can rest up for tomorrow. We'll be doing a lot more." The molly dipped her head and flicked her tail dismissively. Berrypaw trotted towards the fresh-kill pile. He was about to grab a nice crow until Smudgepaw snatched it.

"I caught this crow, so I will be eating it!" Smudgepaw snapped, before bringing the crow outside the apprentice's den. He took a juicy bite out of it.

"Why don't we share it?" Berrypaw mewed. "That's what clanmates are for, anyways." The dusty brown apprentice settled beside Smudgepaw.

"Fine." Smudgepaw reluctantly hissed. "Only because I can't eat this big thing by myself." The two cats chomped down on the crow, savoring every sweet bite. Silence hung in the air.

"So, the gathering's tonight." Berrypaw mewed. "Do you think you'll be picked to go?"

"No way in StarClan is Morningstar going to let me go to a gathering." Smudgepaw retorted. "If SwampClan sees me, they'll rip my pelt off."

"Why would SwampClan rip your pelt off?" Berrypaw mewed around his mouthful, his head tilting.

"Didn't your mother teach you not to talk with your mouth full?" Smudgepaw grunted. Berrypaw quickly swallowed his morsel, putting on an apologetic smile. "But, before I joined ValleyClan, I've had some... unpleasant encounters with them,"

"How so?" The younger apprentice pressed, his ears perking with interest.

"What's it to you?" Smudgepaw's eyes narrowed before taking another bite of the crow.

"Now, don't get your tail in a twist," Berrypaw paused to swallow his mouthful before continuing. "I'm just curious, that's all,"

Smudgepaw hesitated for a heartbeat before answering. "You should know how territorial the clans are! They'll snap at anyone who even lays a paw near their precious border," His tail flicked in irritation. "I bet they'll recognize me and try to start a fight," 

 "They wouldn't break the truce," Berrypaw added.

"Yeah, and hedgehogs fly." Smudgepaw snorted.

Berrypaw let out an exaggerated gasp. "Look A flying hedgehog!" He watched the sky in fake amazement. 

"Where?" Smudgepaw looked around, clearly skeptical.

"Oh, you missed it." Berrypaw mewed. "But I guess mice do fly. So no truce will be broken." He smiled. Smudgepaw let out a slight snort of amusement. Then, the fern tunnel rustled. Ashpaw and Feathercloud emerged into camp. Feathercloud had a bleeding gash in his shoulder.

At sunset, Morningstar yowled for the clan to gather. "Brindlepelt, Windflower, Smallwhisker, Ashpaw, Berrypaw, Smudgepaw, Whitetip, Stonefire, and Yellowflame, you shall come to the gathering."

"Me?" Smudgepaw mumbled under his breath, astonished at the leader's choice. Anxiety surged through him. Meanwhile, Berrypaw was bouncing around, more excited than a kit out of the nursery.

"My first gathering! Yes!" He squeaked. Ashpaw was sitting off to the side, shrugging it off. 

The clan reached the Three Stones. Some of the cats looked tense. Smudgepaw struggled to blend in with the ValleyClan cats. His bulky paws and thick pelt made him stand out. Berrypaw was zipping around, drinking in every aspect. "There are so many cats!" He mewed brightly. Ashpaw just sat quietly, her tail curled around her paws. Smudgepaw stayed toward the back, almost as if he were hiding. After eyeing around for the golden tom, Berrypaw trotted toward the back. "You don't have to hide, Smud-"

"Hush! They'll recognize my name!" Smudgepaw flicked his tail, his fur standing on edge.

"Trust me, they won't break a truce," Berrypaw calmly added, a soft smile spreading on his muzzle. "Why don't we talk to some of the IcyClan cats?"

"No, I'm staying right here until the gathering ends," Smudgepaw dug his claws into the earth.

"Okay, then I'll just sit with you," Berrypaw slipped next to the other apprentice and sat.

Soon after, Willetstar, Morningstar, and Duststar leaped up onto the Three Stones. "Prey is running well as usual." Duststar began."Hailshade is expecting kits, but they won't be born until early leaf-fall," The old she-cat concluded.

"If that's all," Willetstar mewed. "SwampClan shall go next." The tom huffed. "Recently, we lost an incredible warrior, and my own son, Redfur." Smudgepaw froze, his muscles tensing. "He was crushed by a tree while he was out training his apprentice, Smudgepaw."

"Oh no," Smudgepaw hissed to himself.

"But the only trace of Smudgepaw we found was a few tufts of fur left behind. He's been missing for days. He was just made an apprentice the day he ran off, he's helpless out there." Smudgepaw's pelt heated up at that last comment, but he kept his mouth shut. "So if anyone finds a golden tom with dark green eyes and is around apprentice age, please let me know." Worry rang out in Willetstar's voice.

"Actually, we found Smudgepaw by our borders. He claimed he was a loner, so we let him join. He's here right now," Morningstar mewed, pointing her tail toward Smudgepaw. The golden apprentice was frozen, blood roaring in his ears. His pelt heated as each cat turned around to stare.

"Oh! Smudgepaw!" Willetstar leaped off his stone and padded up to him. "It must've been really difficult to see your mentor die. We can talk more once we get back to SwampClan,"

"I don't want to go back," Smudgepaw hissed. "There's nothing left for me there,"

"Smudgepaw, what about your family? Foxclaw and Birchhowl have been worried sick!" Willetstar pleaded.

"I said I'm not going back!" The golden apprentice snapped. Shocked, Willetstar only dipped his head.

"Alright, but always know that SwampClan will always be open to you," Willestar concluded, leaping back onto his stone.

"Back to the gathering," Morningstar interjected. "We have two new apprentices, Berrypaw and Ashpaw."

"Berrypaw! Ashpaw!" The cats awkwardly cheered.

"I think that gathering should come to an end." Willetstar mewed. As the clans split,  Berrypaw trotted up beside Smudgepaw.

"Why didn't you tell us you were from SwampClan? And why didn't you wanna go back?" Berrypaw questioned, his face scrunching in confusion.

"There are plenty of reasons why I don't wanna go back," Smudgepaw grumbled. "And if I said I was from SwampClan, then the patrol that found me would've sent me right back!"

"SwampClan couldn't have been that bad, right?" Berrypaw put another smile on his face.

"I don't wanna talk about it," The golden tom grumbled. Berrypaw merely nodded in understanding. The two of them walked together in silence.

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