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It's been twenty-four moons since the Great Rouge Battle, as the clans call it. Stonefire was appointed deputy of ValleyClan. Feathercloud's shoulder was badly wounded that day. His body couldn't handle all the blood loss and died shortly after. Ashspots and Sparrowstripe had kits, Flightkit and Featherkit, who was named after Feathercloud. Shallowpool and Loudspark finally had a litter of their own. Their kits, Juniperpaw, Flickerpaw, Hoppaw, and Patchpaw, were just made apprentices a day ago. Spottedstrike and Stripedclaw were made warriors a moon ago. 

"They've grown so much," Morningstar mewed, gazing at her kits from the Star Pool. After lots of begging from Brightstar, the Council of Stars decided to let both Paleheart and Morningstar in. She smiled as she watched her newborn grandkits slumber beside Ashspots. Right outside was Berryspring, where he shared prey with Smudgestorm, who was his mate.

Near the Star Pool, Paleheart and Breezefur watched as Missingkit bounce around a moss ball with the other kits. Paleheart kept his tail wrapped around Breezefur, purring sweetly. "Papa! You should play, too!" Missingkit called. "You too, Mama!" The two warriors exchanged glances and nods before rising to take their places in the game.

Brindlepelt and Stemtail were conversing and purring in the distance. They soon bonded and accepted each other as mates in StarClan. With their pasts put behind them, Stemtail, Breezefur, and Paleheart were on friendly terms. It looked like the clans were finally getting peace.

...or so they thought.

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