Chapter 11

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Morningstar nudged Berrykit and Ashkit out of her den. They were finally old enough to explore camp. While Ashkit quietly observed the view, Berrykit excitedly ran around, exploring every corner of the camp. He soon darted into the medicine den where she met Smallwhisker

"What do you want, Berrykit?" The medicine cat hissed. Smallwhisker got her full medicine cat name the night after the fire, which was a little more than a half-moon ago.

"Uh, nothing!" Berrykit scrambled off, and towards Yellowflame, eating a mouse.

"Oh, hello Berrykit." Yellowflame mewed.

"Can I have a bite?" The brown kit mewed, licking his silver muzzle. He and Ashkit have recently started eating prey, instead of suckling on their mother's milk.

"Uh, sure." The dark yellow warrior said hesitantly. Berrykit started digging into the mouse, nearly finishing it.

"Thanks!" The kit skidded off. Ashkit was just watching in the distance, rolling her eyes at all the trouble her brother was causing.

"Berrykit! Don't bother the warriors!" Morningstar scolded. "Or the elders!" She added. Then, the patrol of Dewfur, Mistwing, and Feathercloud returned with a cream-golden tom, looking roughly six or seven moons old. "We found him on our territory. He says he doesn't have a home. What should we do with him?" Dewfur mewed.

"Hmm," Morningstar circled the small apprentice. "He seems very young, barely knowing how to hunt or fight." She concluded. "We'll take him in. But we'll keep a close eye on him." She then leaped onto the Cliff Rock.

"This helpless cat has nowhere else to go," Morningstar started. "We shall take him in. What is your name, young one?"

"Smudge," The tom mewed.

"Well then, Smudge, you will be known as Smudgepaw. Whitetip, you're young but very experienced. I want you to mentor him." Morningstar mewed. "Dismissed."

Berrykit rushed up to the golden apprentice. "Hey! Welcome to ValleyClan! I'm Berrykit!" Smudgepaw merely glared at him.

"Smudgepaw! Come on! I wanna show you around the valley," Whitetip called from the fern tunnel.

"May I come too?" Stonefire bounded up to Whitetip.

"Of course." Whitetip mewed, purring. The two cats exchanged a warm glance.

"I won't be surprised if there are new kits in the nursery soon." Feathercloud mewed to Nightchaser.

"It felt like just yesterday Whitetip was a little kit, and now she's training an apprentice." Nightchaser purred.

Whitetip began by giving a tour of the valley before moving on to discussing hunting. "Smudgepaw, how much do you know about hunting?" The red molly enquired.

"I'm basically an expert! How else did you think I survived this long?" Smudgepaw scoffed, waving his large paw.

"Well, you look awfully skinny," Stonefire added with a playful grin. "Even your thick pelt can't hide it!"

The apprentice hesitated before speaking again. "Because I don't eat it all in one sitting. I preserve my prey to prevent starvation," Smudgepaw snorted. Whitetip and Stonefire shared a doubtful glance before continuing.

"Guess I don't have to teach you, then," Whitetip smirked and sat down. Stonefire soon sat next to her. "Why don't you catch something while we wait here?" She added.

"Why just me? Why can't you two catch some prey?" Smudgepaw quibbled.

"We already finished our warrior training," Whitetip answered, her sly grin growing. "Go ahead, catch something." She flicked her tail. The golden apprentice reluctantly opened his jaws to taste the air. With the scent of mice filling the air, Smudgepaw dropped low into a crouch. "Your tail is too tucked in, you'll lose your balance like that," Whitetip chimed in. Smudgepaw grumbled before correcting himself. His paw steps weren't nearly as light as they should be. "And you have to step lighter when stalking mice," His mentor added.

"I'm used to hunting frogs, okay? Give me a break," Smudgepaw hissed before he'd return to hunting.

"Is it just me, or does he look like a SwampClan cat?" Stonefire spoke softly to Whitetip.

"Yeah, he really does," She said with another nod. "Perhaps he's half-clan?"

"Maybe," Stonefire smiled, slyly scooting closer to Whitetip. With Smudgepaw's loud paws, the mice were scared away. Along with that, came a drizzle from the grey clouds above. "Great, now it's raining," Stonefire flicked his tail.

"A little rain doesn't bother me," Smudgepaw boasted, puffing out his chest to show off his thick fur.

"Well, it bothers the prey and it bothers us. Why don't we head back to camp? You can grab something to eat and rest up," Whitetip suggested. With a grunt, Smudgepaw followed the two warriors back to camp. Ducking into camp, Smudgepaw snatched up a minnow and trotted back into the apprentice's den. A crow sat near the top of the fresh-kill pile. Whitetip grabbed and turned back to Stonefire. "Wanna share it? I know how much you like them,"

"Oh, of course! I'd love to," Stonefire purred, his pelt turning hot. The two of them ducked inside the warrior's den to share their meal.

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