Chapter 4

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After a long kitting, Nightchaser gave birth to two toms and a she-kit. The she-kit had dark red fur and light yellow markings. One tom had a bright golden pelt, with a deep ginger underbelly. The other tom was a black tabby, but very still. "I'm afraid the black tabby tom didn't make it." Windflower mewed sadly.

"Alright, then we'll name him Deadkit." Nightchaser huffed.

"Deadkit? Isn't that a little harsh?" Feathercloud mewed. "How about Ravenkit, after Ravenstripe?"

"No, his name is Deadkit because he is dead." The queen mewed sternly.

"Alright," Feathercloud huffed. "How about we name the she-kit Whitekit? And the other tom Redkit?" The fluffy tom suggested.

"Those are nice names." Nightchaser smiled.

At sundown that day, Riverpaw and Sharppaw were back from their assessment.
"Two apprentices are ready to become warriors. Riverpaw, from this day forward, you shall be known as Riverstream, for your patients and understanding. Sharppaw, you shall be known as Sharpfoot, for your speed and hunting abilities." Violetstar howled.

"Riverstream! Sharpfoot!" The clan cheered. Morningeyes has a crooked smile on her face while chanting. Paleheart seemed nervous when he looked out at Morningeyes.

"Congratulations you guys!" Skyfur purred. He padded up to Sharpfoot and gave him a little nuzzle. Their pelts both turned hot.

"It looks like we got a romance going on." Brightpelt teased.

"Alright, time for you two to sit vigil." Shallowpool mewed to the two apprentices. They soon trotted out for the whole night.

Two days have passed. Skyfur, Sharpfoot, Riverstream, and Brightpelt were on a hunting patrol led by Morningeyes. Suddenly, a deer hopped out about a tree length ahead of them. "What is that thing?" Sharpfoot questioned.

"That is a deer. They're extremely rare, but they can feed the clan for days. It takes lots of strength and teamwork to catch one." Morningeyes explained. "Sharpfoot, Riverstream, you get its legs. Skyfur, you take its neck. Brightpelt, you grab its chest. And I'll take the killing bite."
The five warriors circled around it and rushed out. Riverstream and Sharpfoot latched onto the deer's legs. Skyfur snapped at the back of its neck. Brightpelt held its chest, causing it to bleed. Morningeyes performed the killing bite on it, causing the doe to go limp.

"Great job guys. Sharpfoot, Brightpelt, Skyfur, bring it back to camp." Morningeyes spoke. 

"You did really great, too, Morningeyes," Brightpelt shyly added. The three young warriors started dragging the deer back to camp. Once they were out of sight, Riverstream growled at Morningeyes. "I know you know what I do. So that's why you're next." She snarled. She leaped out onto Riverstream, tearing into his shoulder. She raked his back, causing blood to spill everywhere. She shook his scruff, causing him to become dizzy.

Riverstream rolled over and pinned Morningeyes down. Morningeyes scraped her back paws down his belly. The young tom yowled in shock, stumbling. He then leaped backward onto a tree and stretched forward. His claws sank into Morningeyes, and he twisted her. The she-cat stumbled backward, dizzy. She then managed to throw the tom into a rock, with an adder den in it.

The adder gradually slithered out and wrapped around its prey, Riverstream. Riverstream tried to cry and wailed for help, but no sound came out. Morningeyes watched, smirking. Riverstream's life flashed before his eyes. He'll never get to grow into an elder. He'll never get to have a mate or kits. He was joining his father now. And there was nothing he could do. He realized how heartbroken Sharpfoot and Frosttuft would be. Riverstream struggled but to no avail. He whimpered. There was so much he wanted to do but now he'll never get it done. Sadness and grief flew through him, as the adder bit his throat. The venom sent a shiver down his spine. The last thing he saw was Morningeyes, smirking widely, pure evil in her eyes.

Morningeyes, suppressing her smirk of victory, slashed her claw across the adder's body, slicing it in half. Putting on her most sorrowful look, she dragged his body back to camp. Her ears were met with the gasp of her clanmates. "I tried to save him," Morningeyes huffed. "But the adder already bit him. By the time I got the adder off of him, he was already dead,"

"No! Not him too!" Frosttuft cried. "He was so young! He had so much time left. That fox-dung adder! Why?" She broke out into hysterical sobs and wails.

Sharpfoot was quietly sobbing. He was still completely shocked. Skyfur put a comforting tail on his shoulder, but Sharpfoot barely acknowledged her. He was too distracted by his grief.

Six moons have passed. Sharpfoot wasn't the same. He lost a bit of his energy and joy. But it was time for Whitekit and Redkit to become apprentices. "Whitekit, you shall be known as Whitepaw. Your mentor shall be Brightpelt. Redkit, you shall be known as Redpaw. Your mentor shall be Skyfur." Violetstar announced.

"Whitepaw! Redpaw!" The clan cheered. The apprentices touched noses with their mentors. The gathering was that night. Morningeyes, Paleheart, Violetstar, Frosttuft, Sharpfoot, Skyfur, Nightchaser, Feathercloud, Snakepetal, and Loudspark all went to the gathering.

Breezefur's kit was born. It was only one kit. A tom. She named him Missingkit because he'll be missing a father in his life. That's all that was really said at the gathering. After the gathering, the clans split.

"Hey, Sharpfoot, could I speak to you?" Skyfur called out. The only illumination available to the two warriors was moonlight.

"Skyfur, I have something to say, too" Sharpfoot mewed. "I care about you, a lot. Everything about you I admire. You bring a grin to my face every day. So, I was going to ask you," The tom piked the violet pansy that was stored on his pelt and offered it to Skyfur. "Will you be my mate?" He queried.

"I was going to ask the exact same thing!" The cream molly pulled out a bright dog rose from her tail. They both purred with laughter, twining their tails. The two young warriors gradually pranced back, their tails twined the whole time.

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