Really, Somebody has broken in Gringotts?

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The time was around the World Cup . A two days before if Sirius was correct. His day was going well so far - had eaten breakfast, fed Buckbeak and taken today's paper, though hadn't read it, yet. Everything was good for him till he saw his godson's owl. Oh, maybe it'll be better if he first introduced himself. He was Sirius Orion Black lll, the most wanted criminal in the magic world. This was completely expected, after all he was the first and only person who had managed to escape from Azkaban. Well, he shouldn't have been there in the first place, but he was wrongly accused in betraying his best friend James Potter and his wife and killing 13 people afterwards (12 muggles and one wizard who happened to be really good friend of his before). The said wizard was Peter Pettigrew and was the real traitor. Somehow he had turned everything around and in result Sirius was thrown straight in Azkaban.

Anyway he just received a letter from Harry, so right now this wasn't important. Wait a century! Harry's scar was hurting and he had a strange dream? This wasn't good! Well, you don't know what this means... one small voice said in the back of his mind. That's the problem! It can be nothing. But it can mean something. It's probably nothing, Sirius calm down! Ok, deep breath, yes he is calm, he has just spoken with a strange voice in the back of his head, he was absolutely sane person who calmed down by speaking with a non-existing voice. There was nothing wrong with him. Now you are rambling. Think about the letter. Yeah, the letter...
What should Sirius do? He didn't know what is the meaning of this. Maybe he should go and speak with Harry. Yes, this sounds good. Harry is in Britain, with the Weasleys. The voice said sarcastically. At least he is safe, but I can go and speak with Harry. He is in Britain. I can go there. The Ministry is after you. I'm going to Britain No, don't go in Britain, remember the last time. Azkaban, dementors, almost kiss, Harry and Hermione saving you. I'm going to speak with Harry to make sure everything is ok! Sounds great! I'm going to see him again! No, sounds awful, what if—

Sirius ignored the voice and picked up the paper. There was nothing interesting if you don't count 'the second beak in Gringotts' Second? Maybe he should ask Harry about that. He started reading. Hmm, according to the article the goblins wouldn't have known their bank was robbed if the theft hadn't left long apology. Who leaves an apology? I don't know. Why would someone leave an apology? Sirius decided to ignore the question.

He left the paper on the bed and went to prepare Buckbeak for the upcoming journey.

I know it's not much but it's only the first chapter of my FIRST story, so I'm excited! What do you think?

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