Your wife is partly veela?

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The meeting wasn't over, they just decided to take a break. Tonks went to get her parents, Dumbledore, McGonagall, Snape and Moody put their heads together to make some sort of plan what to do. Regulus, Sirius and Remus went in the drawing room. The golden trio, Ginny and the twins were talking, near them Molly and Arthur was whispering to each other. Bill stood next to them with a parchment where Remus' wrote every fact he knew about Regulus on the last meeting. He remembered most of the facts, but he continued rereading one fact. 'Married to Eleanor, half-veela'.

He remembered Remus telling him how Regulus wrote a book about veelas. All that caught Bill's interest because he had started falling for Fleur Delacour, the Buaexbatons' champion. He met her when he went to the third task to support Harry. They talked and she told him that she is considering coming to live in England for some time. She came and took a job in Gringotts to improve her English, taking also Bill's offer to help. Now he was falling for her and he didn't know what to do. His mother wasn't the biggest fan of veelas. He didn't want to go for advice to his father or some of his younger brothers. He had asked Remus, but the werewolf told him he wasn't the best choice because he was with Sirius. This automatically meant Sirius couldn't help either. Tonks was rubbish in this kind of things, he didn't feel comfortable to ask Kingsley or Mad-eye. Sirius' brother seemed the perfect person that Bill could ask for help—he seemed able to keep secrets, wasn't in love with a man (Bill didn't have anything against this) and was happily married to a half-veela.
Bill found himself going to the drawing room and awkwardly clearing his troth.

"Uh—can I ask you something, Mr Black?"

"Of course, but call me Regulus please. You are Bill Weasley, right?"

"Yes, Regulus, I mean to ask how did you realize you were in love with your wife? Like really in love, not just fallen for her veela charm or something?" he stuttered thought the questions. He didn't know he could stutter. Remus smiled knowing, Sirius groaned how now his brother 'was going to have one of his moments' and pulled Remus out of the room, leaving Bill alone with Regulus.

"I simply wasn't affected by her veela charm."


"I'm her mate. Every veela or part veela has a soulmate. They find their soulmate by looking in their eyes. The soulmate can't be affected by the veela charm and doesn't understand they are mated to the veela immediately."

"Then how did you know you are mated to your wife?"

"At one point I realized it and asked her if I was correct."


"However, in the most cases the veela usually tells their mate after some time. Then the mate has to accept the veela. If the mate doesn't accept the veela, the veela dies from heartbreak."

"Accept the veela?"

"To tell the veela they are okay to be mated to them or that they love the veela, etc."

"Why does the veela die if is not accepted by their mate?"

"Veelas are emotional creatures. After they find their mate, they do everything to be with them. It causes the veelas physical pain if they are not together with their soulmate." Bill nodded. "It's hard to explain. The veelas can feel their mates' emotions, often the connection between veela and mate is so strong enough to be sent little messages between them. I can send Ella messages if we are close. With that distance between us now I can only feel how is she."


"Yes, it is. Why are asking? Do you like a veela or a part veela?"

"Um, yes. Fleur Delacour."

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