Why I have never seen a movie before?

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"Regulus remembered like yesterday the day he watched a movie for a first time. He also met Ted Tonks—"

"You've met dad?"

"Yes, I have."

"—that day, but back then he wasn't really impressed with Andy's husband, no, he was just 7 and the Lion King was a lot more interesting than a 15 years old teenager muggleborn who was somehow friend with his older cousin.

I know the movie it's from 1994, but let's ignore the fact for the sake of the story.

You see, like a kid Regulus was often looked after by his older cousins (Bellatrix, Andromeda and Narcissa, but he preferred to call them Bella, Andy and Cissy—"

"They never let anyone else to call them that for a long time." Sirius smiled fondly thinking how everyone in that crazy family had a soft spot for his brother.

"—because their names seemed to long), his personal favorite was (surprisingly) Bella.—"

"Bella?!" Sirius looked at his brother, eyes nearly popping out of his head. He just shushed him.

"Don't interrupt me unless you want me to stop."

"—Yes, Bella as Bellatrix Lestrange (née Black) who was really cool if you asked Regulus back then. She always let him try simple spells with her wand and read him the most scary books about the Dark Arts when she was babysitting him. Naturally this things looked cool for the 3-4 years old Reg. Sirius hated Bella and Bella hated Sirius (she was his favorite target for pranks unless you count Walburga), despite that the kid sometimes asked why his older brother couldn't come to see Bella too. Sirius, like a heir of the family, had to be with his father all the time, in his spare time Sirius pulled pranks on everyone and run around the house with Reg.

After Bella turned 17 and received her dark mark fast, a week after her graduation, she obviously stopped babysitting Reg and it was Andy and Cissy's turn. Normally they went in the family library and read some scary story, a lot of times Andy managed to smuggle for them a muggle scary story books (If you haven't realized by now Reg loved scary stories like a kid). But that time Andy wanted to show Reg and Cissy what was a movie.—"

"A movie? As if muggle movie?" asked Hermione.

"Yes, do you by any chance know other meaning of the word 'movie'?" asked Regulus.

"Well, no, but Sirius told me you had been permitted to see anything made by muggles."

"What mother and father didn't know couldn't hurt them."

"—Muggle pictures don't move, but the movies are like our pictures and move! They can move for more than hour! And they talk!—"

Everyone who had met Andromeda snorted imagining her so excited over something.

"—She had told them after Ted had showed her one. It sounded interesting, so Cissy and Reg went to watch a movie with Ted and Andy. To be honest, if Regulus thought about it now, he would say without hesitation that Cissy went because she wanted to met Ted (who was often mentioned by Andy), she had suspended that Andy had crush on him, but like a kid he found the movie way more interesting.—"

"I love your priorities!" said amused Tonks.

"—This day was the first time when he realized that the muggles weren't so different from the wizards. The place where they watched the movie was rather dull, but after the movie they went to a muggle bookshop and bought some books.—"

"What kind of books?" asked Hermione.

"Mostly fairy tales. My favorite were the dark version of the brothers Grimm fairy tales."

"—Regulus had many encouraging with muggleborns in his Hogwarts years,—"

"Yes, like every other Slytherin you sneered to them." mumbled Sirius under his nose. Regulus ignored him.

"—like one kind Hufflepuff who showed him the kitchens (which he showed Remus after the 'prank' Sirius pulled on Snape because Remus according to Regulus needed a cup of hot chocolate)—"

"That's how you found the kitchens!" Sirius turned to Remus.

"Yes, it's not surprising that we didn't find them before that. Who in their right mind will make the entrance a painting on which you have to tickle a pear? How high you have to be?"

"Helga Hufflepuff. Very high or with great imagination." Regulus answer the werewolf getting laugh from Tonks.

"Oh, sorry for the interrupting."

"No problem, where I was? Oh yes, muggleborns."

"Regulus favorite muggleborn was Lily Evans—"

"How did you met Lily?" Regulus rolled eyes to his brother's question carrying forward with his story.

"—with who he often had his patrols in his fifth year after becoming a perfect. They didn't talk at first (except on their first patrol when Regulus made it clear that he was going to escort her to her common room no matter what),—"

"You were always a gentleman, Mr Black." smiled McGonagall.

"I appreciate the compliment professor."

"—but on one particular night patrol Lily came crying and after ten minutes awkward silence (Lily still crying) Regulus asked the her what's wrong and she blurred out something about her sister (Petunia)—"

Harry shifted uncomfortably.

"—being awful and how he wouldn't understand. The younger boy looked at her and said how he had Sirius.—"

Sirius looked down, he knew he had been awful toward Regulus, was he that bad? He opened his mouth to say something, but his brother beat him.

"Don't worry Siri, I completely understand why you were like that. It's all behind us."

"—They spent the rest of the patrol (and every other patrol that they had together) speaking ill of their older siblings.—"

"What a fabulous topic." Fred and George said in unison thinking about Percy.

"—This formed a strong bond between them, Regulus was the first to whom Lily admitted she liked James. He didn't jug her, he just told her that if he hurt her, Regulus was going to be out after his cold blood to make him sorry. Lily also told Regulus when she and James got together. He said the same thing. He cried when he heard about her death (unknown for him Lily cried when she heard about his fake one) and he rarely cried.—"

Everyone who knew Lily Potter (née Evans) smiled sadly.

"—However, he saw the way his parents treated Sirius and preferred to blend in the shadows.

His bravest action against his parents (while Sirius still lived with him) were going into the closest muggle bookshop and buying a pile of books about psychology.—"

"Is this why you wrote a book about psychology, Mr Black?" asked Hermione in her 'fangirl' mode.


"—He found the shop because he stole one of the Sirius' letters which was from Ted.—"


"You were locked, Siri!"

"—The letter asked Sirius' to come to help Ted with the finding an engagement ring for Andy. Regulus, knowing what exactly ring Andy wanted, went instead his brother not telling anyone except Kreacher. He helped Ted out, bought wedding rings and even gave him his blessing to marry Andy.—"

"This is why dad always says to mum that not all of her family are bad!" exclaimed Tonks.

"—This was the last time when he saw Ted Tonks. Of course the muggleborn sent him pictures of him and Andy (also some of the baby Nymphadora), but wasn't the same."

I'm sorry it took me so long! Hope you like it, don't forget to comment!

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