What's up with them being cooler than me?

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If Sirius was in his human form, he would had fallen from laughing. Everyone faces but Regulus were priceless. Even Mad-Eye hadn't seen it coming.

Regulus turned to Narcissa to greet her. They gave each other kiss on the cheek and he pointed the edge of the fountain where he had left biscuits, the kettle and two cups of tea (one was his, obliviously).

"Not at all. I made chamomile, I hope you don't mind setting on the fountain because I fear the Ministry didn't provide me chairs." Reg sounded really sad. The Minister was gaping at him as much as the death-eaters.

"Narcissa?" asked Lucius trembling. "Wha–at are you doing here?!"

"Drinking tea. You?" she was so casual while she was delicately biting a biscuit and stirring her tea.


"Surely I can come to have tea and a catch up with my favorite dashing family member?"

"Favorite family member?!?!"

"Aw, thanks Cissy!"

"Always coz!"

"Do you have everything Cissy?" she nodded and Regulus turned to Voldemort again. "Now where I was? Ah, yes, I remember!"

He dramatically pulled the illusion charm he had put on the sphere holding Nagini off.

"Do you see this?" he asked Voldemort pointing at Nagini with his wand.

"Give me Nagini!"

"Answer the question and I will think about it."

"Yes." Voldemort hissed between his teeth.

"Is she alive?"


"So you're seeing her alive?"

"Yes! Now give me my snake!" Voldemort was really getting impatient, but Sirius highly double Reggie was going to give him Nagini just like that.


And Sirius was right, Regulus waved his wand to remove the sphere and conjured cursed fire destroying Nagini in a second. After this he tossed the remnants to Voldemort who looked something between livid and scared, Sirius really needed a picture of this.


"Oh, stop sounding so surprised! This is not the only horcrox I have destroyed, you know."

Well, this was definitely how you tell someone you destroyed part of their soul! Good job Reggie! Give him credits! Look at Voldemort, it's so funny! Yes, Voldemort was fuming.

"How do you know about—" Regulus interrupted him to explain what was horcrox for those who didn't know. Voldemort was more fuming than before.

"Stop ignoring me! Who do you think you are!?!"

It seemed like Reg was waiting exactly for this question.

"Someone you would wish to be dead." he dramatically pulled his hood down. His hair was black. It's almost impossible to not realize it's him.

"Regulus Black!" was heard from the both sides of the barrier.

"YOU!" Voldemort hissed angrily.




"You are dead."

"No, but I've enough intelligent to make people believe so."

"You ran."

"In very specific cave with inferies." Voldemort visible paled.

"That's not possible!"

"It's possible as the chance of finding the lost diadem, the cup and your family ring and setting them on fire."

"The diadem is on place—"

"—that every student of Hogwarts could easily find." finished Regulus revealing one of the strange covered items on the floor. It was the Ravenclaw's diadem. Voldemort paled more.

"But the cup—"

"—was in Bellatrix's vault in Gringotts. You and I both know that is not that hard to break in there." Regulus revealed the Hufflepuff's cup. Voldemort paled more if this was even possible.

"The ring—"

"—was the easiest to get. You are mortal once again, Tom Riddle."

The fear on the Voldemort's face had never been more visible.

"How?" was the only thing he manages to say.

"How did I find out? Or how did I do it? Or how I survived?"


"Let's start from the beginning, please seat down." Reggie gesture the floor. Nobody moved. He sighed and pointed with his wand at his hair turning it back in turquoise.

"Leo Blanc!" gasped Nott.

"Yes, this is my fake identity. I'm surprised nobody realized to be honest, Regulus is the brightest star in the Leo constellation and Blanc means 'white' on French."

Everyone mounts were open. Regulus returned his hair color to black.

"Now, after we established this little detail, let's talk about your, please excuse my wording, sorry ass, Tom Riddle."

"How did you find out?" Voldemort seemed to collect himself.

"About your darkest little secret? It wasn't that hard, you dropped a lot of hints and I've always been fan of solving riddles." Regulus smirked cheeky at the pun. "I'm sorry only that I didn't tell everyone, but I think I did very good job in destroying all of your horcroxes."

"You haven't!" Voldemort laughed maniacally. "Nobody expect me could open the locket!"

Regulus smirked and revealed the locket. He opened with easy.

"Nearly 23% of the Indian population speak parsetongue. Even I learned some, it's useful sometimes."

"This is not true!"

"Your whole life is a lie, Tom Riddle."

I'm really proud of this chapter, I hope you like it!

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