Chapter 10~ Already Becoming an Elf

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The next morning Sugawara seemed to have a radiant shine to his mood; everything he did, he did with a cheerful humming tune of uplift. He himself had woken up at 6 AM as usual, last night's extremely short amount of sleep seeming to have no effect on his health, gotten himself refreshed and made breakfast, then waking up Daichi and Mayonaka. The young lass was up and running in no time, laughing and jumping onto Daichi's back as soon as he had walked out of his room; her suspicions about both of them seemed to have evaporated overnight. The two elves' purity and sweetness left Daichi wondering what he had been doing the past few years of his life as he sat down on the table, Mayonaka swinging her legs under it like the small elven-girl she was.

Sugawara sat down on the table, smiling as he watched Mayonaka eating Daichi's spoonful of food and him looking at her in slight confusion before sighing exasperatedly and taking another spoonful, only to have it eaten again by her. Sugawara sighed happily, starting to eat his own breakfast.

"Just to let you guys know we're going out into town today."

The two sitting opposite to him stopped their rabble about their food and simultaneously said "Huh?"

The moon elf's smile widened as he explained, "Well, I need to get some things for the house from the market out in town and I can't leave you two here alone so I'll show you around the place.. though I'm sure Mayonaka already knows it."

Mayonaka's face brightened as she said excitedly, "The place where we get lembas, right?

"Yes, Mayonaka, the place we get lembas."

"Lembas? What's that?" Daichi asked sheepishly, feeling like the most ignorant person in the world.

"Lembas are cakes that make you feel all.. all.. gwaaaah, you know?" Mayonaka said, looking up at him.

Hinata, is that you? Sugawara giggled to himself, patting the girl's head. "We'll buy some lembas but later, okay?"

"Aww.." Mayonaka pouted grumpily at this. "Fine."


They walked through the town, the sun shining down brightly on the road as they walked through the town. Daichi had gotten many stares from elves as he passed by; his ears being round instead of pointy, his face being rounded instead of slightly triangular looking nothing like an elf's. He uncomfortably looked away whenever these gazes were sent his way, inwardly wishing for this to be over. He sighed, walking alongside Sugawara holding Mayonaka's hand as she chattered constantly to him.

His ears picked up singing and he turned his head to the road, seeing a little elven-boy skipping across running his hand through the grass and flowers. His shrill voice sung a song in a common, easy tune:

"O flowers of Arthorien, O grass so fair and green,
O land of Arthorien, by no stranger's eyes seen,
How do you do today? On this fine morning,
Everybody's laughing, this is no place for mourning!"

The boy paused, staring at Daichi for a few seconds before grinning and continuing,

"Whither do you go, sir, looking so eccentric?
With ears so flat and round and face so symmetric?
And how do you do today, on this sunny morning?
Do crack a smile, sir, you look like you're mourning!"

And crack a smile Daichi did. In fact, such a surge of joy and merriness had driven forth in him that, with almost elven spirit, he replied in song:

"I go through Arthorien, Arthorien of beauty,
Of fair faces and elves and such places pretty,
And how do I do today? Well, lad, I'll tell you,
I'm doing perfect, and let no doom befell you!"

Then he blushed at his own words and looked across at Sugawara. His eyes were shining as he smiled back, his gaze one of joy and slight wonder. The young boy laughed and went skipping on; and from then every elf who had heard their exchange smiled at him - an acceptance as one of their own.

Afterwards Sugawara laughed and remarked, "Wow, you're already becoming an elf!", with a decisive agreement from Mayonaka. Daichi chuckled in reply, his previous discomfort at being outside severely diminished.

A/N: Hey my dear readers! I know it's been an extremely long time, and I apologize sincerely for my slackness of updating this story. I know the chapter is short, but please forgive me for now; thank you for reading! Also, I will be starting another DaiSuga AU soon hopefully so look forward to that! I won't give any spoilers here ;)

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