Chapter 14 ~ Till The End Of Time

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Sugawara's eyelids gently fluttered open, a warm weight resting on the skin of his waist. He yawned and rubbed his eyes confusedly, only to realize that he and Daichi had ended up falling asleep on the couch. Smiling fondly to himself, his eyes fell on Daichi's face; the latter looked like he was at the highest level of peace and security, his body at complete rest as his arms embraced the moon elf.

Sugawara lifted a hand and gently started playing with a few chocolate brown strands of Daichi's hair, his cheeks sprinkled with a light rosiness. Closing his eyes, he began to softly sing:

Awake, for shines the light of day
Be it December, July, February or May,
Rise, all who sleep, for so has the sun,
Rise and hear the lively hum,
Of bees and birds and living things,
Awake, all ye with resting limbs,
The sky has lightened, the day has started,
Now is the time for you and sleep to be parted.

And, as if magically affected by these words, Daichi's eyes opened and gazed sleepily into the moon elf's. For a while he could not comprehend what had happened before he smiled, moving closer to Sugawara and kissing his forehead. "Good morning."

The former laughed despite the blush present in his cheeks and replied, "Good morning~". The brunette smiled a bit more at this, leaning closer and giving Sugawara a light morning kiss before sitting up.
"Wow, did we end up falling asleep on the couch?"

There was no reply, so the latter looked down to see the silver-haired male beet red from head to toe with blush, assumably from the unannounced kiss. Laughing, Daichi patted his head. "You're gonna have to get used to that, you know~"


Sugawara was in the kitchen, cutting up some fleshy plants which looked half like vegetables and half like alien plantations - not very appetising. Daichi, ignoring this, was standing directly behind the moon elf, his arms encircling the former's torso while he enjoyed the sweet scent of vanilla and cinnamon coming from him.

"Daichi, could you go wake up Mayonaka for me?" Sugawara asked absentmindedly, his full attention towards something he was stirring in the pot on the stove. Daichi groaned and reluctantly let go, trudging up to the girl in question's room and quietly opening the door.

Mayonaka was lying in her bed, her indigo hair looking like she had fought with a gang of monkeys overnight. Her eyes, however, were closed peacefully, her small body curled up with the blanket running askew. Smiling involuntarily to himself, the brunette gingerly removed the blanket, folding it up and placing it at the end of the bed before very carefully shaking the girl.

"Mayonaka, wake up.. it's time for breakfast," he whispered. The former groaned, her eyelids reluctantly folding back to reveal her glowing amber irises.
She groggily sat up, yawning and reaching her arms out to Daichi, the way a child would do when wanting to be picked up.

Daichi blinked at her for a few seconds before wrapping his arms around her frail, petite body, picking her up in his arms. Mayonaka laid herself on his chest, her warm arms encircling his neck as she rested her head against his shoulder, falling asleep again.

Daichi chuckled lowly so as not to wake her up, walking downstairs to the kitchen to find Sugawara setting the table. The latter looked up and smiled warmly at the sight, walking towards them and patting Mayonaka's head.

"You two look like father and daughter right now, you know?" he laughed.

"Well, you're the mother then!" Daichi grinned, wrapping his free arm around the older moon elf's waist. "We'll be a happy family till the end of time~"

A/N: I just wanted to make a fluffy chapter so here you go!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2021 ⏰

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