Chapter 5~ Passed the Test

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"Ooh! Who's this, Suga?"
"Is it a new friend?"
"Why does he have such small ears? He looks a lot like the humans we learnt about yesterday!"

Daichi stood bewildered while he was surrounded by other elves who were constantly asking questions and crowding his personal space quite suffocatingly. 

The three doing so looked as follows; one was the shortest, with dark brown hair and a blonde streak in the middle. His hair was spiked up so well that it looked natural, and he had golden sun-markings on his cheeks. Another was a little taller than the first one; the whole of his head was stormed with tangerine-colored hair which stuck up in a hundred different directions. The third one was taller than the first two, with his head shaved almost bald so that a little grey fuzz of hair could be seen. Both of them had the exact same markings as the first.

"Tanaka, Nishinoya, Hinata! Calm down, you three! He's getting overwhelmed!" Suga called from across the room. Behind him were four people; three males and one female. One elf had bottle green hair, and his face as dotted with millions of freckles, with green markings around his forehead. Next to him was another tall elf who had blonde hair and was wearing glasses, with the same markings. Daichi was a little confused about this; he didn't think elves needed glasses, much less wore them.

A few feet away from them was a raven-haired elf, not as tall as the blonde one but definitely not a disappointment. He had a scary expression on his face, though everyone was ignoring it. Swirling around his eyes in a circle were white-colored curls. Daichi assumed that he was the type whose normal face was always a scowl, so he chose to ignore it as well. There was also a female, who looked more like a human than an elf. She also had glasses, and she had a lighter shade of hair than the elf standing next to her, and almost the same color eyes. Daichi wondered if they were siblings. At that moment, the three who were studying him were pulled away by the collars of their shirts by Sugawara and introduced. The tangerine-haired one was Hinata Shoyo, the one with the blonde streak was Nishinoya Yuu, and the almost-bald one was Tanaka Ryuunosuke.

"Hi," Daichi greeted them awkwardly. 

"Hey, Suga.." the elf with the freckles spoke up nervously, "U-um, is this a friend of yours? H-he's not really an elf, is he?"

"Oh, yeah, I almost forgot! Thanks for reminding me, Yamaguchi!" Sugawara made a surprised face and turned, smiling, to Daichi. "This is Daichi Sawamura. He is, as you guessed, a human, and he's from Arkney, the town in the valley!"

"Ooh"s and "Ah"s were heard around the room as everyone stared at Daichi with newfound interest, though this wasn't the case with Tanaka, Nishinoya and Hinata, who all glared at Daichi. Tanaka suddenly exclaimed, "Hey! Did you do anything to Suga?! Huh?!" he dragged his face impossibly close to Daichi's and stared daggers at him. Sugawara punched him softly in his arm, saying "Would I have brought him here if he did?". Tanaka looked at him with an "Ohhhh" expression, which made the blonde in the back of the room sneer at him. 

As Tanaka went off to start an argument with the former elf, Sugawara sighed and smiled apologetically at Daichi. "Sorry about them, it's just their nature. Once you start hanging out with them more, you'll get used to it." Daichi replied "Oh no, I understand. It's been a while since I've been in a chaotic atmosphere like this," He grinned and continued, "I'm sure I'll love it with these guys."

Sugawara stared at him for a while before bursting into laughter and saying, "Well, that's good!"

At that moment, another person entered the room. He was unbelievably tall (more than the blonde and raven-haired elves) and had long, light brown hair which was tied back in a bun on top of his head. He also had a short stubble of facial hair growing on his chin. He entered the room and started at how much noise there was and how many people were in the room. Nishinoya noticed him and ran up to him, jumping up and latching himself on the taller male's torso, while shouting at the top of his lungs "ASAHI-SANNN". 

The poor man jumped again, but recovered just in time to catch the smaller one. Suga laughed and said, "Asahi, you're back. How's your mom?" The male in question grinned nervously and replied, "Hey Suga, she's getting much better, thanks!"

Daichi stood awkwardly as everyone greeted the person called Asahi (everyone other than the blonde elf) until Suga remembered him and introduced him to the rest of the people in the room.

"So, the girl over there is Kiyoko Shizuku, she's a witch. She's really good in spells and potions, so if you ever get sick or need some herbs or forgot something at home and feel too lazy to get it, she's the one to go to. The guy next to her is Kageyama Tobio, he's a cloud elf. Cloud elves can control weather and, obviously, the clouds. After them is Tsukishima Kei and Yamaguchi Tadashi. They're both earth elves. They can understand and interact with animals, and kind of control the growth of plants. Wait, no, they speed them up, they don't control them. Do you understand or am I going too fast?"

"No, no, carry on." Daichi smiled. He found it rather cute how the moon-elf was blabbering on knowledgeably. 

"Okay, then. I've already introduced you to Hinata, Tanaka and Nishinoya, but I guess I'll make it clearer. Those three are all sun-elves. They can't fully control the sun, that's near to impossible, but they can control how much sunlight is in a place. For example, if you're in a thick forest where the sunlight can't penetrate through the leaves, sun-elves are handy for allowing a little more light in the place. They don't just generate sunlight, though. They have to take a portion from another area. They're also distantly related to moon-elves, since the moonlight is practically just reflected sunlight. In particular, though, those three are good at lightening up the mood when everyone's sad, and they're pretty much the life and soul of the party.

Annd the three over there are Kinoshita, Narita, and Ennoshita.  Kinoshita and Narita are earth-elves but Ennoshita is a mountain-elf. His parents left him on Kiyoko's doorstep, so Kiyoko's kinda his guardian now. He's always the more reserved type, but he's actually quite responsible, so if you need to take care of something or someone, you can always leave it to him.

So, that leaves Asahi. He's a rather peculiar type of elf - a Lyarinth. Lyarinth are near to extinct now. They're basically a cross between werewolves and elves. On the night of the full moon, they turn into wolves, but their minds stay human. This allows them to have a slight connection with other wolves and predators. They're hated by werewolves, though. Werewolves believe that they were an accident made by a traitor and an elf. They try to kill them at any chance they get, which is why Lyarinth are almost extinct."


Sugawara was busy with all the other people when Asahi tapped Daichi's shoulder and asked him, "Do you want to go on a walk with me?"

"Huh? Yeah, sure."

And so that resulted to the present moment, where Daichi and Asahi are walking around near Asahi's house. Asahi stops and Daichi follows suit. Asahi turns to Daichi and says, "I-I'm going to ask you a question. Will you be honest with me?"

Daichi turns to face him curiously and slowly replies, "Sure... what's the question?". Asahi looks Daichi in the eyes and asks, "What do you think of Suga?". Daichi's eyebrows fly up as he ponders over the question for a while. He decides to let his instincts run wild and subconsciously replies; "Well... he's really trustworthy and strong. He does worry about the people he loves, but he knows that he can count on them as wholly as they can count on him. His voice is wonderful and so are his looks; the markings around his eyes seem to shine in the moonlight and his eyes and hair both have a warm, cosy look to them. His skin is so soft I could hold his hands all day long and never get tired or sweaty. But," he says as he stares off dreamily into space, "he looked the most beautiful when he was singing. The song had a hint of sadness to it, which made it seem like all his beauty was being showed through his sadness, if you get what I mean." 

He looks back at Asahi and sees the latter staring at him with a bemused expression on his face. He realizes what he just said and claps a hand over his mouth, his face flushing red. Asahi laughs and claps a hand on Daichi's shoulder. "Well, you passed the test!"

A/N: I'm very sorry that it's been so long since I updated! I was out of ideas this time, which is why this chapter is so short. I'll try harder next time, though! Please stay tuned for the next chapters~

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