Chapter 4~ Not a Good Conversation Starter

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A/N: I'm back..! I'm so sorry, it's been a month... I went through a lot of depressing shit, so I'm really sorry that I didn't upload for so long. I finally managed to pull myself out of... well, myself, and write this, so I hope you enjoy reading..!

A few minutes later, when Daichi came back with the said medicines, he found the moon-elf asleep, his chest rising and falling in sync to his breathing. His face was relaxed and fair, though a faint smile played on his lips, even in sleep. As Daichi sat down next to the bed and stared at his new-found acquaintance, he couldn't help but wonder if all moon-elves were as gracious and beautiful as Sugawara was. He seemed like a creature made from the very trees and flowers surrounding his house, from the moon and stars and the sky, from the river in the clearing and the wood his house was made out of. 

It suddenly struck Daichi that Sugawara surely had other elf-friends. He wondered what they were like. Were they as calm and composed as Sugawara was, or were they the type to cause mayhem? Were they other types of elves? How long had Sugawara and them been friends? Sugawara also mentioned going to a school to become a member of the EMCC. He wondered what training Sugawara did. His mind swirled with these thoughts as he stared at Sugawara's sleeping face, and eventually drifted off to sleep himself.


As his eyes slowly opened themselves, Sugawara found himself lying in his own bed, with a blanket placed over himself. As he sat up, his head pounded as it had done the last time he woke up from this bed. As he looked sideways, he saw Daichi sleeping on the carpet next to the bed with his knees pulled up to his chest, his hands securing them in place. His chin was resting on his folded arms, his eyes closed and his frame rising and falling as he took breaths. Sugawara smiled at the sight and glanced at his bedside table simultaneously, noticing the medicines needed for his headache, which made his smile wider. So he found them, huh... thanks, Daichi.

Sugawara reached out and picked up the crushed herbs, mixing them with the glass of warm water perched dangerously near the edge of the table. After the herbs were properly mixed in with the water (which had turned a light purple), Sugawara raised the glass to his mouth and took a small sip. A bittersweet taste entered his mouth, causing him to shiver as tingles ran all the way down his body. After a few more sips of this liquid, his headache had almost cleared, so he managed to get up from the bed and remake the covers. He sat down next to Daichi on the floor and gently shook him. "Daichi, wake up," he said tenderly, "you can't sleep on the floor, silly!"

He saw the brunette's eyes slowly open and blink a few times. As Daichi stretched his legs out and rubbed his eyes, Sugawara lay back and smiled, watching the other male with his head cocked to the side. Daichi turned his head groggily to Sugawara, and murmured something that the moon-elf couldn't catch. He brushed it off, however and said, "Good morning! Thanks for the medicine."
He saw Daichi's cheeks glow with a little redness before he replied, "Y-yeah, you're welcome..." before he got up and made his way downstairs, probably to the well to wash his face. Sugawara wondered what Daichi had said to himself under his breath. However, he pushed it into the back of his mind for now and got up himself to go for a little training session and stretch his legs a bit.

Daichi slammed his hands on either sides of the well, the stone's coldness seeping through his hands. He bent over the well, all of his brain cells regretting what he had said before to Sugawara (which, thankfully, the moon-elf hadn't seemed to have heard). As his hair and face dripped water onto the stone, he calmed himself down by taking some deep breaths, and started thinking positively; at least he didn't hear what Daichi had said, right? Yeah, he hadn't heard, everything was fine...

After a few minutes, he straightened himself and started walking back to the house. As he entered it from the backdoor, he didn't hear anything nor see any sign of Sugawara; he began worrying where the elf had gone. As he walked through the house, calling out Sugawara's name, he eventually found himself walking to the room Sugawara had recently slept in. A few seconds after stepping in, he saw through the window the very face he had been looking for - floating in mid air until half a second later before it dropped. 

He looked down and saw Sugawara jumping, apparently. His mouth fell open as he realized, to his shock, the colossal length that the elf could jump. He looked pretty, though, with not a bead of sweat falling down his face nor a sign of panting. Daichi eventually saw Sugawara jump once more before he landed nimbly on the broad wooden windowsill on the other side of the glass. He noticed Daichi and chuckled, then opened the window, leaned in and gently closed his agape mouth.

A redness blossomed over the brunette's cheeks as he thought, completely apart from the situation, Damn, he can jump.


It had been about three hours from the previous incident of Sugawara's "high jumping". Again, Daichi's mind had been dwelling around the idea of Sugawara's friends, and also of what he would do now. Since his parents were probably worried to their deaths about where he had gone, and why he wasn't coming back home, the first thing he should have thought to do. However, some feeling stopped him; he wanted to stay, to get to know more about Sugawara. He wanted to know the elf's favorite food, his habits, how much he knew about Arkney. He wanted to know Sugawara so well that he would be able to read his face expressions. He wanted to meet all Sugawara's friends, and make them his own.

And so, he ended up subconsciously asking, "Hey, you have friends who are elves too, right?"

As soon as he realized what he had uttered (about half a second later), he nervously whipped his head to look in Sugawara's direction, the latter of which was staring at him curiously, as if Daichi had said something the elf hadn't understood. Then a giggle escaped his lips which soon turned into a whole laughing fit. Daichi looked at him rolling around on the floor, bewildered and a blushing mess, and kept asking what was so funny. It wasn't until half an hour later that he got an answer, which Sugawara told while rubbing his waist and using the kitchen table as support as he made several futile attempts to control his laughter.

"Th-that was what was on your m-mind, Daichi?" he barely managed to stutter through his giggles, "Y-you're so funny!"


"If you wanted to meet my friends, you could have just said so!"

"Um, but it would be hard to start a conversation with that.." Daichi's blush had faded a minute amount, but his tone and face showed sincerity.

"Ah well, I guess you're right." Sugawara agreed, and there was an awkward silence between the two until the moon-elf suddenly exclaimed, "Oh, that's right! I forgot to tell you..."

"If you wanna stay here, in Arthorien, then you're welcome to do so! Ah, but I guess you'd want to see your parents first-"

He was cut off by a pair of strong arms wrapping themselves around his waist. It was only a moment of shock before Sugawara's face relaxed into a smile and he returned the gesture. Daichi, who wasn't very used to this thing, muttered sheepishly "Thank you... I didn't really know how to bring it up..."

Sugawara's smile broadened as he patted the brunette's hair, saying with a smirk, "You're really not a good conversation starter, are you?" 

Daichi chuckled. "Yeah..."

A few minutes later, the two let go, Daichi's face as red as pomegranate. Sugawara said cheerfully, "Then, let's go see them now, since they're going to be busy at night."

"Oh, okay - wait, just like that? You're not gonna think of anything to explain or get ready?"

"I'll figure it out on the way, and besides," Sugawara grinned, grabbing Daichi's wrist, "they're my friends! I don't have to dress up or get ready for them, and they don't have to do the same for me either."
"Oh yeah, I guess that's right..."

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