Chapter 1 ~ same helke

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It was a bitter cold, harsh winter and as ever helke was a handful. It was so cold in fact it reminded thranduil of the one hundred years ago that had created helke. When she was not exploring the mirkwood forests, riding on the back of ringa (who had grown to be three metres long and one and a half metres tall) she was slipping into the throne room and mewing into thranduil's ear, begging him to make love to her. But he had no reason to argue, in fact he rather liked helke's changes. But she was still his same immature, animal loving helke.
Helke was currently occupied with riding through the forest on ringa, accompanied by Legolas who had been away for a long time on duty. The 'kiss' (or almost kiss) incident between the two long ago had been forgotten and the two were now close friends, Legolas had even become her archery teacher. Helke had also developed a friendship with tauriel who was instructed to teach helke how to defend herself in battle.
But helke held no interest in fighting.
She loved learning about healing, the types of plants in the forests and the endless list of animals.
"We have archery early tomorrow morning helke" legolas reminded the young female as they rode back to the king's halls. Helke sighed in response.
"Maybe I will have the flu" she suggested and legolas laughed.
"Icelings do not get the flu helke, you will have to do better then that!" He chuckled. Helke only sighed again. "It comes with practise. I know you do not enjoy it very much but it is a good skill to have" legolas said and helke nodded.
"I Suppose" she sighed and yipped a little as ringa tripped over his feet, beginning to drag behind from fatigue. Legolas chuckled, his breathe white in the cold, crisp air. Although he was wrapped up in a thick cloak and many layers, helke rode very happily in a thin, long sleeved silk dress, the silver circlet upon her head.
"I must return to my post now, will you be okay returning back to the stables by yourself?" Asked legolas and helke nodded happily.
"I am not completely incapable" she reminded with a smile.
"Of course" legolas smiled and trotted off in the opposite direction.
Upon reaching ringa's personal stable helke slipped off his back and unclasped the single leather strap that hung loosely round his neck.
"Good boy" she cooed as she scratched under his chin as he purred happily. "How would you like a bath soon?" She asked, knowing his monthly bath was approaching. Ringa panted happily and drank noisily as helke pumped some clean, cold water into ringa's water pail. After going to the kitchens for lunch helke allowed ringa to hop up onto the king's enormous bed as she lay on her side. His tail hung over the end and helke smiled as she remembered when she could have once carried him. Ringa breathed deeply and his underbelly glowed a comforting amber as he warmed himself. Helke lay on her side and ringa rested his head on his mistress's hip, snuffling slightly then drifting off to sleep as did helke...

"And you are sure of this?" Asked Thranduil asked his captain of the guards. The sharp faced elf nodded certainty clear on his face.
"Yes sir" he bowed and Thranduil looked down at him from his magnificent throne. There was talk of Gandalf the grey wizard setting off to gather a company of dwarves. Thranduil of course knew the reason why but did believe the company would last more than a few days. Maybe a month. Thranduil nodded and dismissed his captain. He peered outside of the frosted window and smiled at the thought of how helke must be basking In the icey weather.
But his mind soon returned to more pressing matters. What was he to do about these dwarves? Sending his guards across the boarders was not something he did if he could avoid. If fate determined his involvement then they would come to him. He would not set out to become involved in something that did not concern him. He rose from his seat and stepped elegantly down the smooth steps, heading towards his room to check if helke had returned safely from her morning trek.

The next time helke was roused from her sleep she felt a warm, tickling feeling behind her ear. She shrugged away from the cause, thinking it was ringa but soon the smell of pine hit her and the feeling of lips against her neck brought her out of dreamland.
"Thranduil" she yawned, not sitting up but opening her eyes.
"I am surprised to see you asleep my love" he chuckled, sitting on the bed and ringa rolled onto his back lazily. "You are usually so full of energy"
"This morning's trek was long and tiered me out, both of us" she smiled when ringa yawned loudly and put his head on her stomach, not wanting to be forgotten. She purred happily as the king leaned forwards and continued to kiss her neck, biting and sucking with a practised gentleness. She gasped and clutched his biceps as he nibbled her pulse point, creating a small purple mark that made her squirm and shiver. His lips connected with hers and her hands soon found his silky soft hair as his tongue nudged into her mouth. The spiced berry taste of Thranduil and the feel of his muscles underneath his tunic made helke ache more than anything. Suddenly ringa barged in between them and licked helke's face happily, eager to please helke as well. Thranduil sighed and glared at the dragon as helke laughed and sat up.
"You are very rude" she giggled as ringa tried to lick the king's face also but Thranduil dodged quickly. "Thranduil, must I continue with archery?" Helke asked, giving thranduil large, puppy dog eyes.
"Why do you ask helke? I thought you enjoyed it" he recalled her words not that long again.
"I am no good at it, some of the other females laugh at me" she confessed.
"Do not pay any heed to them darling" he hushed as he stroked her hair. She smiled at his words but they held little comfort. "What do you have planned for the rest of the day?" He asked, still twirling her white hair.
"I do not know" she sighed though it was a content sigh.
"You know where I am if you want me" he whispered.
"I'll always want you" she smiled and he returned the smile. "I love you" she whispered up to him.
"I love you to, my little Iceling" he absentmindedly stroked her forehead then leaned down to press his lips to hers. She returned the small gesture before thranduil left.

As helke lay in the giant bed scratching ringa's ears, Gandalf rode towards bagend to retrieve the 14th member of the thorin oakenshield company, unaware that he was joining many people's fate that would lead to an unexpected death...

Helke of Mirkwood ~ thranduil love story (sequel to 'an Iceling in mirkwood)Where stories live. Discover now