Return part 2

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Hello my lovelies! Sorry that this update has taken so long! I think I was running low on inspiration! Anyways I should be updating a little more soon so keep an eyes out, until then enjoy~

"Thranduil!" She exclaimed, panic in her eyes.
"Shh, helke you are safe with me-"
"If I do recall she was with you last time she and I met"
"You did not meet" thranduil spat. "You kidnapped her"
"What is he doing here?" Helke asked.
"His high and mighty wanted my help with this" he gestured to the decorations.
"Why did you agree?"
"Well I got to see you again" he muttered softly, his manner changing. "And my people get to enjoy a decent meal" he gestured around to the humans amongst the elves
"Oh" helke was not sure what else to say in the face of the half man half Iceler who had kidnapped her.
"You look...nice" Luca said, trying not to let his eyes linger on her hips and small amount of cleavage.
"Do I have to remind you that her husband is present?"
Thranduil glared and Luca chuckled.
"I am Just jesting! loosen up, you have just married the woman every man wants to take to bed-"
"LUCA!" But Luca had slipped back into the crowd with a snigger. He just loved winding the king up.
"Thranduil" helke placed a soothing hand on her husbands arm. "Please calm down, just ignore him" thranduil took a deep breath and forced himself to relax.
"It means a lot to me, that you made all this effort for me" helke smiled lovingly.
"You deserve no less" he smiled. She just smiled dosily up at him.
"What are you looking at me like that for?"
"Oh nothing, just imagining our night tonight" she teased and he grinned.
"It will be a sleepless one indeed"
"Helke!" Legolas exclaimed and came running towards her. He pulled her into a bear hug and smiled. "Congratulation helke thranduilion" he winked and she smiled.
"Legolas, I hope this doesn't change anything between us-"
"Of course not helke" he agreed. She was glad that the air had been cleared, even more glad that he did not think she was trying to replace his mother. She turned and saw that Luca, thranduil and Elrond where all whispering in hushed voices in the corner. All looked quite serious. She was about to go over and question them when anwa appeared.
"Helke!" He kissed her cheek. "You look splendid helke, truly splendid" he complimented. Helke wasn't sure she liked all this attention, she never knew what to say in public.
"Uhm, thank you" sensing her discomfort he bowed and left her in peace, sure they would meet again when she once again injured herself somehow. The next face was familiar but not quite as welcome Ithil emerged from the crowd and bowed formally to helke.
"My lady helke, I wish to offer you my deepest sorrows for your latest position" helke blinked. Her latest position? What on earth did that mean?"
"What are you talking about"
"Your marriage"
"You're apologising for my marriage?"
"Well yes, sorry that you have been drawn in and fallen for it" Ithil was making no sense. "Ah so you do not know. It is very customary for men to marry a young lady they like the look of then have several mistresses on the side, of course the wife is to stay at home and give birth to the heir, although seeing as he already has one" she looked round at legolas. "I don't see what use you are to-" Ithil gasped suddenly as wine was spilt all down her front.
"Oops sorry love" Luca chuckled with a lopsided smile. "Slipped, too much of the old-" he whistled and motioned to his glass. Ithil made a scathing noise and attempted to brush herself off as she turned away. Helke looked up and saw his grin was gone, replaced by quite a serious expression.
"So bitchy these lot" he murmured to himself. "It is not true by the way" he added, "about men getting mistresses. I mean some do but not thranduil, he is almost obsessed with you" he chuckled and raised his glass to his lips
"Luca why are you here?"
"I told you-"
"Why are you really here?" Luca faltered before leading her away, speaking in very hushed tones.
"Helke you are so shielded from the outside world you do not know this but a threat is growing, a dark force" helke felt fear rise in her stomach. "I have been keeping an eye on a company of dwarfs and an old friend for a while and relaying the information back to thranduil"
"Why would you do that? You hate the elves"
'I am still in love with you helke" he admitted, cupping her cheek with his hand.
"Luca please,I wish you wouldn't-"
"Helke, I need you to know. Everyday till the day I die I will protect you, it pains me to see you with this woodland pixie but there is nothing more beautiful to me then to see you smiling."
"Luca-" but he pressed a finger to her lips and looked into his eyes, the mix of blue and milk white.
"I know you will never love me, but do not forget me" he begged and she could only nodd. He kissed her cheek and held her for a moment or too and she did not see him for the rest of the evening.

Btw I don't know what name helke would be given after marrying thranduil so I stuck with thranduilion. Any help?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2016 ⏰

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Helke of Mirkwood ~ thranduil love story (sequel to 'an Iceling in mirkwood)Where stories live. Discover now