Chapter 4

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Helke stopped riding almost immediately after that moment. She dismounted from Thilivern and lead him down to the stables, constantly looking around for the mocking Elleth. She untackled her horse and cleaned it before hanging it all up. Should she tell Thranduil? Or would that just be pathetic? Perhaps she should talk to Legolas first? So with that in mind Helke headed to the guard's training area to seek advice from her friend. As she entered the training arena she noticed that many of the guards were whispering to each other and gesturing to each other, some smirking. Suddenly she realised she was still wearing her tight leggings, revealing the shape of her legs, hips and rear something people never usually saw in her dress. She attempted to pull down her tunic but the effort was in vain. She found the blonde elf and rushed over to him quickly.
"Legolas!" She whispered quickly as an arrow flew.
"Helke-" he looked her up and down in surprise. "What a surprise"
"Can I talk to you...somewhere else" she whispered as she noticed a nearby elf looking at her hips which were much curvier than any other elleth's.
"Of course" he nodded, also noticing the amount of eyes on the Iceling. He lead her over to the forest and they stood underneath of tree. "So, what Is the problem?" He asked.
"I....well...have you ever had someone been unpleasant towards you?" She asked.
"Who was it?" He asked, standing straight and alert.
"Shh! I don't know. She didn't give me her name. All she said was..."
"She just said she was Thranduil's personal guard"
"Oh...her. Oh yes I can imagine" he mumbled to himself.
"What are you talking about?"
"She's not from around her, she's from Lothlorien, she use to be a guard for the lady of light but she asked for the job of being Thranduil's guard. What did she say to you Helke?"
"It was probably just nothing, I think I'm over reacting" she shrugged.
"Are you sure? I could talk to my father if you wanted-"
"No! No it's fine" she said hurridly."thank you legolas, I will see you later" she smiled and walked back to the king's halls briskly.
As she passed the kings study she heard chatting from inside and knocked timidly on thranduil's study door but the door opened slightly and Thranduil and his guest looked up.
"Ah Helke-" thranduil stopped mid sentence, looking at helke's leggings with one raised eyebrow. "I was just about to try and find you. This is Ithil, she has been appointed to be my new guard, have you met?" This was the same Elleth from before!
Helke drew in breathe to speak but Ithil spoke. "Yes we have my lord. I was admiring helke's beautiful horse earlier when she was riding but I did not get a chance to properly meet her" Ithil smiled gently and convincingly.
"Well that's splendid" the king nodded but Helke did not say a word. "We were just going over some things Helke, I just wanted you two to meet. Was there anything else you wanted?" He asked. The dangerous glint in Ithil's eyes made Helke step back slightly and shake her head. She left the study, desperate to be able to say something but carried on her way anyway.
"Helke? Why do you look so down?" Tauriel asked as Helke rounded a corner, looking at her toes.
"It is nothing"
"Nothing? You are usually a ball of happiness and energy. Nothing does not drain all that away" she pointed out.
"The king has a new guard" helke mumbled and tauriel raised an eyebrow. "She hasn't been very unpleasant to me" helke expanded and tauriel nodded.
"I see" she nodded. "I am sure she is just nervous Helke, I would be if I was the king's personal guard. It is not right but perhaps she is taking her nervousness out on the smallest person she can find"
"I suppose"
"Do not fret over it but tell someone if you feel overwhelmed" tauriel patted her shoulder and walked past her elegantly.

Later that day helke went down to the dress makers and was fitted for a dress of the winter ball.
"Any particular colour you wanted lady helke?"
"Uhm no thank you, just anything you think would be suitable" she sighed.
"Is something wrong my lady?"
"No nothing, I am sorry I am being very miserable."
"No my lady you just seem, tired" the dressmaker said honestly.
"Perhaps something with a shimmer?" Asked helke, smiling a little and the dressmaker nodded, making notes constantly. Helke now spent a lot of her time making herself useful in the healing tower. She was learning how to properly extract foreign objects (such as splintered arrows) and set broken bones with anwa as her mentor. She was also trying to learn how to use her Iceling abilities to help heal people but that was a lot harder then she had ever expected.

Meanwhile legolas was explaining the rules and duties of a gurad to Ithil.
"All guards usually eat in the main hall at eight in the morning and ten in the evening, both meals you are of course invited to. Both thranduil and helke will usually be absent at this time they usually eat breakfast in their chambers?"
"And where is the kings chambers?" Ithil asked. Legolas did not like this Elleth, did not like this air of superiority that oozed off her.
"It is at the end of the east wing corridors"
"And helke's?"
"I'm sorry?"
"Helke's chamber, where is it?"
"In the same place....they share a room" legolas explained, surprised that Ithil did not know this. At this news Ithil wrinkled her nose as if she was smelling something awful"
"Your duties also include looking after Helke and well as the king"
"I will not guard that-"
"I would watch your tongue" legolas warned Ithil as he stopped in his tracks. "My father does not forgive those who talk ill of helke" they continued walking but Ithil did not look intimidated. "What do you have against helke Ithil?" Asked legolas hoping to shed some light on the subject"
"Nothing" she snapped. "Does she not irritate you though?" She asked after a moment of silence had passed.
"Helke? No not at all" he replied honestly. She only grunted and they continued walking. "I have to return to duty now, you should probably do the same" he suggested.
"Yes, captain" she taunted and strode back inside to the kings halls.
"I will have to keep an eye on you" he sighed and jogged gracefully back to his post.

Helke had just finished transferring pictures and descriptions of plants from a very ancient book to a blank, newer book when anwa knocked softly. Helke looked up and smiled when he entered the room.
"Ah helke, hitting the books I see?" He smiled.
"There are some plants in here I've never heard of, some I've never seen in the forest before. Why is that?"
"Our forest is growing sicker" anwa explained as he looked out to the forest. "Many plant are dying out because of it, we having to make do with what we can find"
"I had no idea" helke said. It made her sad that the forest and all that was in It was dying. "Can we not save it?"
"I have no idea" he muttered. "But enough somber talk. Are you going to the winter ball?"
"What do you think?" She smiled and he chuckled "Are you?"
"Oh yes, I received a special invitation from the king" helke smiled.
"Do you have anyone to go with?"
"I am going to take my wife"
"I didn't know you were married!!" Helke exclaimed jumping up.
"Yes, the subject never really arose did it?"
"When can I meet her?"
"You already have"
"That Elleth in the kitchen you are so fond of in the kitchens? That is my wife"
"No wonder I get along so well with her!!" She exclaimed
"I am glad. Now, how about your weekly test?" He clapped his hands together and helke groaned.

Helke of Mirkwood ~ thranduil love story (sequel to 'an Iceling in mirkwood)Where stories live. Discover now