Chapter 3 ~ a green eyed Elleth

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"Father?" There was a quite knock that accompanied legolas's voice. "You wished to speak to me?"
"Yes, sit down" Thranduil looked up from his papers and motioned to the chair. Legolas obeyed.
"I wish to talk about helke" he started.
"Father I told you nothing disastrous happened-"
"I am not talking about today I am talking about...the future" he admitted. Legolas waited. "It has been going round and round in my head and has come to my attention" Legolas simply had not idea where this was going. "Next week, at the winter ball, I was thinking about asking Helke's hand in marriage" he said slowly. It certainly came as a shock to Legolas who gaped like a fish. "I wanted your opinion on the matter"
"Well father I-I...I think it's a wonderful idea" he said honestly. Thranduil had expected his son to have some reserves on the matter so this genuinely supportive reaction surprised him.
"Thank you" Thranduil nodded.
"When would you think about getting married?"
"Next winter" he admitted. This winter was coming to a close and a spring or even summer wedding would simply be too hot for helke so their only choice was to wait.
"Father may I ask why you wanted my opinion?" Legolas questioned. His father had never quizzed legolas on matters when it came to helke and saw no need to start now.
"I..." It was the first time in a long time that Thranduil had spoken softly to Legolas. "I wanted to see that you did not think I was trying to replace your mother" the thought had not occurred to him. Helke (no offence to her) could never be a mothering figure to him. She was a friend to him, not a mother.
"I would never think that father. Helke is a friend to me" he assured and Thranduil smiled softly.
"Very well, thank you for your honesty, you may go. oh and legolas? i ask that you do not tell anyone else about this" Legolas bowed and left without another word.

"What did your father want?" Asked Tauriel when Legolas returned to duty.
"Just a talk"
"Are you in trouble again?" She teased and he smiled.
"No he just wanted my opinion on something"
"Interesting, may I ask what this matter is?"
"I am afraid I have vowed to keep it secret" he explained and she nodded in understanding. "Tauriel...will you be attending the winter ball next week?" He asked timidly.
"Yes I will"
"I was just wondering, if you would, I mean you do not have to if you do not wish but i was wondering if you would like to attend with me?" He asked and she smiled.
"I did not think a prince would be so shy" she giggled and he looked to his feet smiling. " I would be honoured to go" she said and he smiled brightly before she slipped off back to her post.

Helke had decided on taking up the task of cleaning all the riding tack, a job many riders put off but helke enjoyed. She scrubbed bits and bridles with a wet sponge before drying them and hanging them back up. She enjoyed working like this instead of having to stayed cramped indoors all the time, especially when the weather was beautifully cold as it was now. She helped the stable boy feed the horses when it came to lunch time. After lunch Helke decided to take Thilivern out into the outdoor riding arena to practise transitions. She went up to her chambers and changed into the only pair of leggings she owned and laced up her leather riding boots.
She lead Thilivern up to the arena and mounted by herself and set a slow trot, rather pleased with herself. A few low jumps had been left out so she could use them to practise. She approached the jump nervously with thilivern but at the last minute he reared sideways away from it.
"Thilivern!" She exclaimed, almost falling off.
"I would have thought a horse belonging to the king would have been better trained" sneered a voice and helke halted and looked round. A tall Elleth with silver blonde hair and beautiful green eyes was leaning on the fence watching her with cool eyes.
"He's my horse" she defended and the elleth's lips turned upwards in a nasty smile.
"That explains a lot" she sniggered as she looked helke up and down on the horse. "Your heels aren't even down" she raised an eyebrow at helke's feet and helke shuffled uncomfortably.
"Maybe you've heard of me? I've been appointed as lord thranduil's personal guard" Helke did not like the way she purred the word 'personal'. "You must be helke"
"Yes" Helke nodded timidly and Thilivern pawed at the ground, eager to get going again.
"Well I suppose I should let you get back, after all it looks like you are in need of all the time you can get to improve" the Elleth began to walk away.
"Wait!" Helke called. "I didn't get your name!" She called.
"I know" the Elleth looked round cooly before walking away, leaving Helke feeling embarrassed and furious.

Helke of Mirkwood ~ thranduil love story (sequel to 'an Iceling in mirkwood)Where stories live. Discover now