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𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘰 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶

"𝐀𝐋𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓, 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐓 𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐏 is to get her to notice you," uraraka says as she reads the lines on tsu her phone, then looking up to her male friend in need, and smiling bright.

"she already does that, though," iida says, looking at his brown-haired female friend. "they're friends, remember?"

the five friends are sitting in todoroki's neat room, thinking about a way for y/n to like todoroki. tsu and uraraka are looking at the phone screen, reading the first step on the site.

"iida is right, the first step is already done. they're friends and know each other, right? they've hung out a couple of times. i mean, we're always together as a group," midoriya says, putting a twix bar in his mouth and chewing on the candy, not really getting what the girls are so smiley about.

"no!" tsu says, smiling at the boys in front of her, "you got it all wrong. they've hung out, yes... but have they really? we usually hang out in a group like you said, midoriya. i don't think they've really hung out together, aside from their study-dates," she continues, and nods to uraraka to continue.

the girl continues her friend's story, and nods, "right! here it says he should get her to notice him with objects. wearing items that attract woman, like leather jackets, jewellery, suits, or maybe a tattoo!"

"oh, yeah! you should get a tattoo!" midoriya shouts, looking at his friend. "that would be so cool!"

todoroki widens his eyes, and shakes his head repeatedly. "are you fucking nuts, midoriya? i'm not getting a tattoo!" he says, rolling his eyes at his friends. "this sounds so stupid."

"a leather jacket it is, then," uraraka mumbles, secretly thinking the tattoo would be great. you see, todoroki would be really hot with a tattoo, right? it would make him jump out for sure! that way, y/n has no other way than to like the boy back. but of course, if he doesn't want to, the leather jacket should work too.

"it also says that you shouldn't use excuses that are stopping you in track for not talking to her. don't say she's not interested in you because you don't know that yet. good point, if you ask me!" tsu says, reading the lines out loud to her friends.

"but what if she doesn't like me?" the boy in need asks, pouting his lips a little and thinking about all the possible ways this plan could go wrong.

tsu shakes her head, sighing at her friend. "and that is exactly what you shouldn't think!" she tells the guy, watching him look into the distance. what is he even thinking about? tsu thinks about the possibilities of the boy's thoughts, but can't come up with anything.

"alright, let's get a leather jacket and get him to talk to y/n!" uraraka then says, getting up from the bed and looking at the male in front of her, sitting on the ground. "we have someone to talk to, todoroki!"


later that day, the five of them get downstairs, heading to the common room where the (h/c)-haired girl is usually spending her free time.

"make sure you keep smiling when you approach her! oh, and relax your body. you'll do great!" uraraka whispers as she gives a big thumbs up to her friend.

everyone is standing behind the wall, ready to get into the common room. y/n is in the kitchen, looking for some snacks while she tucks at her lips. why isn't there something nice to eat? she swears the groceries were done two days ago!

tsu gives her friend a small push into the right direction. the four friends then hide behind the wall. somehow they even convinced iida to join them while they watch todoroki talk to their other friend.

the half-cold and half-hot male takes a deep breath and walks towards the kitchen area, leaning against the fridge while he starts to talk. "oi, l/n. what's up?"

the (h/c)-haired girl turns around as she hears the familiar voice of her male friend. "hey todor—" she starts, then noticing the clothes he's wearing and the way he leans against the fridge. something he would never do.

"what the fuck are you wearing?" she asks, frowning at him and eyeing him up and down. he looks great, she has to admit that, but why the sudden change? this is nothing like him. he would never lean against a fridge while he's wearing a leather jacket. is this some kind of joke? since when is todoroki the one to make jokes?

meanwhile, the four friends standing behind the wall, are chuckling slightly. "this was a bad idea," iida mumbles, watching his friend. everyone is cringing at the way todoroki approaches their friend. he approached her with confidence, but it is so not like him that it just looks weird. and they're sure that y/n thinks so too...

todoroki his eyes widen at the female her words, and he starts to stammer unrecognizable words. "eh!" he manages to bring out. quick, come with something! how is he going to get out of this awkward situation?

"are you in a play or something? did i miss a meeting where we planned that?" she asks, frowning at her best friend. "because if that's the case, i would pay a lot of money to see you play the badboy, shoto."

his eyes start to flush red and he nods. he's not only blushing because of his embarassment, but also because of the way she used his first name.

"yeah! well, uraraka, tsu and midoriya had this fun idea of a play but we haven't told the rest yet and they wanted to see if i could play this part so yeah! that's that. i don't think it's going to work out, though. well, thanks for confirming that! see you later!" he yells in her face, then turning around to walk back to his friends.

y/n frowns as she watches her best friend turn around the corner, shaking her head a little. "that was weird," she mumbles, then shrugging and turning back to the cabinets.

"but whatever. come on, let there be snacks... i want something to eat!"

𝗵𝗼𝘄 𝘁𝗼 𝗴𝗲𝘁 𝗮 𝗴𝗶𝗿𝗹𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱 彡 𝐬.𝐭𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐢Where stories live. Discover now