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𝘨𝘰 𝘰𝘯 𝘢 𝘥𝘢𝘵𝘦

"𝐀𝐋𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐓𝐎𝐃𝐎𝐑𝐎𝐊𝐈, 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 ready for your date night?" uraraka asks her friend as she places some of the snacks that she just bought down.

the male nods at his friend, biting his lip as he looks around his room. he has made his bed ready. there are many blankets, pillows and snacks around his bed, ready for their movie night.

todoroki told his best friend to not wear anything fancy. it's a date night in his dorm room and they're watching a movie, it's not like she has to wear a glittery dress. if she wants to she can, but she doesn't have to look fancy.

"she'll be here in ten so i'll let you be you!" uraraka says, then patting the boy's back. "you'll do fine! don't worry too much. she already likes you enough to go on a date with you so don't worry. just don't be so lame like you usually are."

"thanks for the words," todoroki says, rolling his eyes at his friend. "really nice words, uraraka."

the female chuckles a little and walks slowly to the door. "sorry! but i'm serious, you'll do fine! if you need anything, just text us. we'll be hanging out in tsu her room!"

his female friend then gets out of the room. todoroki sighs and takes another look around his room. he thinks that he's ready for his date. now all that's left is wait for his date to arrive.

a few minutes later, maybe around eight minutes, todoroki hears a knock on the door. he widens his eyes and quickly places his phone down on the left side of his bed.

the male walks towards the door and opens it. his eyes land on the girl in front of him. she has a stuffed animal in her hands and looks at him with a big smile.

"hey!" she says, sending him an even bigger smile. "i took a stuffed animal with me since you told me to wear relaxing clothes for the movie night! is that okay?"

the male smiles at his best friend and nods. "yes, of course y/n."

he steps away from the door so y/n can walk into the room. the female looks around and widens her eyes as she sees the small fairy lights hanging around the room.

todoroki shuts the door and walks towards the female, eyeing her up and down. she looks so adorable with her clothes and bear in her hand. how can she even look good without putting any effort in her outfit? she's just that amazing.

the male smiles to himself and nods. "you look stunning, y/n," he says, the smile growing wider as he thinks about one of the steps. complimenting her is a good thing.

"i'm wearing my pajamas."

it feels like a knive just stabbed into todoroki's chest. he did his best but apparently it wasn't good enough. his smile drops and he starts to cough a little. "yeah, sorry. um... you look good though."

the female starts to laugh at him. "you're a weirdo, because i really don't. it's just a random, purple coloured pajama that i took out of my closet!"

the make puts his hand in his neck and nods at her, scratching his neck a little. "if you say so... i do think you look stunning, y/n, even if you're wearing just some random purple pajamas."

the female nods a little, then taking place on the right side of his bed. she leans against the wall and smiles as she looks at the snacks

"oh my god! you brought the cat crackers! i love them so much," she says, the last part whispering.

the half-cold and half-hot student smiles and takes a seat on the other side of his bed, then grabbing the bag and opening it for her. he gives her the bag and she happily takes one of the crackers out.

"you mentioned that you liked the crackers so i made sure to have uraraka buy these."

"aw, you kind of thinks about things..." the female whispers, taking another cracker and eating it right after. the joy she feels is indescribable.

todoroki smiles at het words and grabs his laptop right after. he places it on his lap and opens the site where he usually watches his movies. "what movie do you want to watch?"

the female leans a bit closer to her best friend. because of that action, todoroki's heart skips a beat and right after that, beats even faster than before. he widens his eyes a little as his friend places her hand on his leg for support, then pointing at a genre.

"i want to watch a nice rom-com movie if you're okay with that."

the male nods at her words and clicks on the category rom-coms. the female smiles at his action and looks at all the movies as todoroki scrolls down slowly.

"oh! i want to watch that one!" the female says after scrolling for a minute or two. todoroki clicks on the movie and reads the description, then playing it.

"i'm okay with that," he whispers. todoroki places his laptop down so y/n and him can watch it easily.

y/n bites her lip and looks at todoroki a little, trying to do it in secret. she closes her eyes a little during the intro, then deciding that she doesn't care about anything anymore.

she justs wants to be close to him.

and so she does. she places her head on her friend's shoulder so she can watch the movie clearer.

that action makes todoroki's eyes widen. he has trouble breathing as the girl moves her body a bit so she's sitting even closer to him, her body in an angle that makes her hands fall down on the side of his lap while she holds the stuffed animal.

todoroki doesn't hesitate for a moment and quickly wraps an arm around her. he closes his eyes a little, then feeling a huge smile creep upon his lips.

he did it. he really is sitting with his crush in his room, both cuddling, while they're watching a movie. tch, and he doesn't even need his friends for that. he can all do it by himself.

how to get a girlfriend suddenly seems so much easier than it did before.

𝗵𝗼𝘄 𝘁𝗼 𝗴𝗲𝘁 𝗮 𝗴𝗶𝗿𝗹𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱 彡 𝐬.𝐭𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐢Where stories live. Discover now