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𝘴𝘢𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘺

"𝐎𝐇, 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐅𝐔𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐃 𝐔𝐏 badly, todoroki!"

the male groans at his friends, slamming his head into his pillow on his bed and sighing deeply. "i fucking know!"

midoriya pouts at his friend, sitting down on his bed and looking at his feet. "maybe we went too far this time. we knew it didn't work but we still made him do it."

the broccoli guy looks up at his other friends. uraraka, iida and tsu nod a little, feeling bad as well. "and now our friend hates todoroki because he told her she isn't hero worthy."

"yeah, that was fucking stupid, todoroki."

"i fucking know, iida! i don't even mean it but here i am, fucking up the only chance in having a friendship. she doesn't only want to be with me in a romantic way, no, she doesn't even want to be friends anymore!"

"it'll be fine," midoriya says, looking at his friends. "we brought you in this mess so we're also getting you out of it."

"and how will you do that, huh? force her to talk to me? she walks away from me as soon as i pass her in the hallways. not only at school, but also at home! she completely walks away from me, even to the point she's sitting on the couch next to bakugo!"

the male sighs, then sitting up. "i don't think there is anything we can do."

"yes, there is," midoriya says, looking at iida, tsu and uraraka. "but i don't think you're going to like it so we're not going to tell you what we're going to do."


todoroki looks at his friends. he doesn't know what going on, which isn't weird since his friends came up with a plan without him. now all that's left to do is follow their plan and make sure y/n likes todoroki.

"nothing. just stay here and cry or something," midoriya mumbles, then motioning for his other three friends to follow him.

todoroki rolls his eyes, "whatever. you're the one always crying, midoriya."

"shut up!"

the door of todoroki's dorm room slams shut and seconds later, the four friends find themselves standing at y/n her dorm room. it's time to fix their mess.


a loud knock is heard on todoroki's door. "what?!" he shouts, his mind focusing on his phone. he's been looking at tiktoks all day and tries to get in a better mood, but even the tiktoks don't work.

"we need you for something!" uraraka says at the other side of the door. "can you help us?"

todoroki sighs and stands up from his desk, then walking towards his door with his slippers on. he opens the door and sees a smiling uraraka standing there. tsu is standing right behind her with a smile too.

"come on, todoroki! we really need you for this thing."

the bicolored male nods a little, "alright. for what exactly?" he asks the girls, then walking behind them when they start to walk to an unknown destination.

"you'll see!"

soon they arrive at the school grounds. there aren't any students around aside from the four friends and –big surprise– y/n.

todoroki his eyes widen when he notices the girl and realizes what's going on. "what? guys! oh come on... why did you do this to me?"

"you guys need to talk," iida starts, then pointing at y/n. "you two used to be best friends and now you're at the point of not talking to each other. that's exactly the opposite of what the plan was for!"

todoroki nods a little, "yeah..." he starts, then scratching his neck. "we really have to talk, y/n," he mumbles, then looking away from the girl. "can we?"

she nods a little. "yeah, we can. start talking, shoto."

the four other friends slowly start to back away. they won't get away completely of course, since they still have to listen to what they'll talk about. especially uraraka, she's eager to know what her two friends will say and if they'll make up.

after a long silence, todoroki finally starts to talk; "i'm sorry," he mumbles, closing his eyes a little and taking a deep breath. "there are no words to describe how fucking awful i feel about all the things i said. i'm just stupid, that's all i can say."

y/n nods a little to his words, her (e/c) then focusing on his blue and grey ones. "i know... you know, they explained it all."

"did they now?"

todoroki looks up with wide eyes, his face becoming a dark shade of red. "oh no, they didn't..." he mumbles, shaking his head repeatedly. the (h/c)-haired female nods, then smiling a little

"oh, those bastards."

she chuckles a little and places her hand in front of her mouth. "i think it's absolutely adorable, shoto. didn't know you were such a cutie," she says, followed with a wink.

todoroki's cheeks start to blush even more. "oh, shut it, l/n."

the male sighs a little, his hand still in his neck while he looks at the ground. "listen, eh... i'm sorry for acting like such a dickhead towards you. you're awesome, alright? if anyone tells you different, they're stupid. i'm stupid too, so there's that."

the girl laughs a little. todoroki looks up because of her laughter and feels his cheeks heat up even more. is that all she's going to do? laugh at his words? ouch.

"i forgive you, shoto. you're my best friend and i don't want to lose you."


ah, there was todoroki's heart that broke into a million pieces. so his friends told her that they were coming up with a plan for y/n to like him, and now she tells him exactly what he didn't need to hear? alright then, that doesn't hurt at all.

"and you have a cute nose yourself, too."

his eyes widen, "what?" he mumbles, his heart starting to beat faster at her words.

the girl chuckles slightly, her (e/c) eyes sparkling with joy. "that's what you said a couple of days ago. it was pretty cute. and your nose is cute too!"

todoroki blushes even more. "ah, yeah. you're welcome! i mean... man, i suck. eh–"

the male takes a deep breath. he looks at the girl in front of him. her eyes speak louder than words. she's smiling bright. it's maybe the biggest smile that todoroki has ever seen on the girl.

and that's why he's just going for it.

"listen, y/n... i really like you and... fuck it, do you want to go on a date with me? i mean! only if you want to, of course. yeah... because i really eh– yeah because i really like you."

he shakes his head, his eyes closing. "oh my god, i'm so stupid! why did i say it like that?" the guy mumbles to himself, not seeing the even bigger smile form on y/n her lips.

"oh, shoto... i'd love to go on a date with you."

a few meters away from the two best friends, midoriya, iida, uraraka and tsu are smirking badly at the words that they're hearing. their plan worked, and now all that's left is todoroki not being stupid anymore.

"step whatever step we're on is done, now all that's left is get todoroki to make y/n his."

𝗵𝗼𝘄 𝘁𝗼 𝗴𝗲𝘁 𝗮 𝗴𝗶𝗿𝗹𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱 彡 𝐬.𝐭𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐢Where stories live. Discover now