Stop Following Me

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Zelda's POV

The morning's sun kissed Rito Village with it's warmth as I stared at the map of Hyrule. It laid on a table in the middle Teba's home, letting us take in the various paths. Paya and Impa stood to my left. Purah went home to her lab, attempting to find more Sheikah technology to aid us, while Cardan... well we weren't sure of his whereabouts. Paya stated he had returned to his home to deal with personal affairs, yet she had no clue where that home was and figured it was rude to pry.

Link had grown colder in the past days we have stayed with the Rito. Each day, him and Teba met and I've noticed myself knowing less and less of their plans. Link told me less and no matter how much I would beg him to tell me what was swirling in that head of his, he wouldn't. Stress, it had to be from all the pressure and nerves. Today we spoke about the others who aided Link with the Divine beasts, Riju, Yunobo, and... Prince Sidon. Getting him involved felt wrong to me after what happened to his sister, someone who also loved Link as I do now.

Teba spoke and Link kept eyes on him, his blue eyes cold. "I can go now and contact them, give me a day and my guards and I will return with their responses." 

"A day? You think they will make such a pressing decision in such a short time?" Link questioned.

"Do we have a choice? Master Link we need to move now." Teba sternly responded.

"Alright, speak with each and tell them the plan. We will wait here and ready ourselves." Link nodded in agreement and pushed off the table. I caught a glance shared between Link and Teba once more before he turned away.

As Link started to walk out of the home, I quickly paced after him leaving Paya and Impa behind. In the distance, I heard Teba and his guards take to the skies to meet with the others. As Link continued to walk, I reached out and brushed my hand against his arm, my fingertips rubbing against the warmth of his Rito Armor. Their clothing was beautiful as we were each gifted a set of Rito armor, granting us warmth as well as protection, yet it somehow did not weigh us down at all. 

"Link, please tell me everything going on in your head right now." I tugged his sleeve and he turned to face me. "I'm tired of feeling like I'm missing out on a whole part of this mission."

"Why do you say that?" He stopped, leaning his back against the railing.

"One day we have no plan, almost like we are stumbling in the dark, and then you and Teba have a meeting in private for hours and all of a sudden we have all of Hyrule involved. Plus some secret between you two." I said harsher than expected.

"We are getting the others involved, well seeing if they want to be. If they do, we meet them outside Gerudo. Then we follow the plan." He crossed his arms.

"Yes, that I know. So now that part I don't know?" I crossed my arms mimicking him.

"Zelda. I... there is nothing else. Teba and I just have an agreement." 

"An agreement?"

"Yes." He tilted his head back.

"Which is?" I stepped closer.

"To protect you. That's all it is." He tilted his head up and began walking again. I didn't follow him.

Instead, I turned and walked towards Paya and Impa who were standing a few feet behind waiting on me. I walked passed them, and they quickly followed my step. He was lying to me. I wasn't sure how or why but I knew...knew. He had some secret idea or plan and it wasn't a good one.

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