The Drill

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Once Aang had flown off up ahead, the rest of the group packed up to continue their journey. Sokka had pouted for a little while after they split off from Suki, but Jade couldn't blame him this time around. It was nice to see that he had someone to make him happy after Yue. Perhaps anyone else would feel as though his ex-girlfriend was being replaced, but Jade knew Sokka better than that. He would never forget about his first girlfriend.

Besides, Jade quite liked Suki.

Once they were sure that Ying could walk on her own two feet, they began their journey toward the wall. Every once in a while, Jade would look over her shoulder and smile at the happy family. Ying couldn't seem to stop smiling as she held her newborn daughter in her arms.

Surprisingly enough, it only took about fifteen minutes to make it close to the wall. Judging by their distance, in about ten more minutes, they would finally reach the city's stone wall and be able to enter Ba Sing Se.

But the silence of their journey was suddenly broken. Perched up on Jade's head, Miko suddenly began barking. Jade attempted to glance up at the spirit, only to catch sight of something else flying towards them. She stared in surprise as Aang and Momo flew towards them. They stopped walking as he dropped to the ground before them.

"Aang, what are you doing here?" Katara inquired. "I thought you were looking for Appa."

Jade gasped. "Did you find him already?"

Aang only shook his head. "No. I was looking for him, but something stopped me. Something big."

After reaching the wall, those who couldn't earthbend stood close together. Aang and Toph, meanwhile, formed a platform from the ground beneath their feet and used it to lift them all the way to the top of the wall.

Sokka crossed his arms and looked over at Aang. "Now, what's so big that Appa has to wait?"

Still bending, Aang looked over his shoulder and into the distance. "That."

Following his gaze, Jade squinted her eyes in an attempt to make out whatever the shape was. All she knew for sure was that it was long, dark, and spinning. When they reached the top of the wall, they moved along the wall to get closer for a better view.

It was some kind of drill on wheels, flanked by multiple smaller tanks like the ones to have invaded the Northern Air Temple. Imprinted on the middle of the drill was a Fire Nation insignia.

"You're kidding me." Jade mumbled. "We just got here."

Holding Hope in her arms, Ying stared at the drill and leaned into her husband's arms. "We made it to Ba Sing Se, and we're still not safe. No one is." Her daughter moved to her side as they all stared at the ground in despair.

"What are you people doing here?" They turned to see two guards frowning at them. "Civilians aren't allowed on the wall."

Aang stepped forward. "I'm the Avatar. Take me to whoever's in charge."


While the refugees were safely escorted into the city by one of the guard, the second guard led the kids to one of the wall's towers. Inside was a large room with a single desk, where a man they learned to be called General Sung was sitting. The five of them lined up in front of him.

"It is an honor to welcome you to the outer wall, young Avatar," He smiled. "But your help is not needed."

"Not needed?" Aang echoed.

"Not needed." Sung nodded. "I have the situation under control." They followed as he stood up and gestured outside of the tower. The earthbending soldiers could be seen standing with stone boulders. "I assure you, the Fire Nation cannot penetrate this wall. Many have tried to break through it, but none have succeeded."

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