Last Name

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Inspired by a TikTok


You had been an avenger for the past two years. When you joined you and your wife Natasha Romanoff decided not to tell the rest of the team, you didn't mean for the secret to last this long. Recently you had talked about telling them and decided that you would when the opportunity presented itself.

You were currently in the kitchen serving the team their breakfast -You were the only one in the tower who could cook- "Hey Y/N, what is your last name," Tony asks while going through the paperwork Pepper was making him do.

You hesitated for a moment making eye contact with Your wife who had just walked into the room "Romanoff."

"Wait what, how did we not know that you and Tasha are related," Clint asks.

"I don't know."

"So you are sisters?" Bruce questions.

"We are married actually," Natasha says hugging you from behind.

"Yeah," You say turning your face to her kissing her deeply.

You and Natasha then walked out of the room and to your bedroom. You lay down on the bed opening your arms so she can lay on your torso resting her head on your chest. You stayed like that for a while just enjoying the company of each other.

"The look on Tony's face when you kissed me was hilarious," She mumbles causing both of you to laugh.

You place a kiss on her fore head before shuting your eyes and drifting to sleep.

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