Post-it notes

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"Okay Here is your bag. There is a change of clothes and some snacks. please don't die, and try to not let Clint die. Laura will kill you if he does which will result in you being dead therefore I will be left alone and I really don't want that." You were giving Natasha her bag for the next mission

"I promise that I will be careful, I love you."

Once she was on the jet she opened the bag looking through the bag.

A lunch box with a post-it on it


A change of clothes

do not come back in the same clothes I WILL KNOW IF YOU DONT

Duck tape

for Clint DO NOT KILL Him

Natasha made quick use of that by taping his mouth and hands

A candy bar

No going crazy because you don't have any sugar in your blood I WILL KNOW IF YOU DONT

Natasha Smiled at how well her girlfriend knew her and settled in her chair to try and get some sleep ignoring the sounds of Clint struggling against the ducktape.

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