Will You Marry me Part Two

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"Do you Natasha Romanoff take Y/N Y/L/N to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I Do."

"Do you Y/N take-"

"Yes I do can we hurry this up please?" You cut off the official.

Natasha, Maria Hill, and you were all at the courthouse so you and Natasha could get married to scam the government out of money. You wanted to rush the ceremony along as fast as possible because of the fact that you were "marrying" the person who you had a crush on was bringing up some feelings that you had been trying to push down.

"Whatever I just get paid because you showed up," The minister says "I now pronounce you... wife and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

You and Natasha exchange awkward eye contact while Maria laughs in the background. She leans in and kisses your cheek which seems to satisfy everyone.

Natasha, Maria, and you then leave to go back to work since your lunch hour was almost over. Well technically it was already over but Natasha, Maria, and You were like Fury's children so he wasn't going to be mad at you for being late.

When you arrive at SHEILD and a woman at the front desk tells you that Fury and the avengers are waiting in a conference room to go over a mission that would be coming up soon for them. Typically you wouldn't go to one of these meetings because technically you didn't even work at SHEILD you were just there a lot so people assumed you were, and since you were often with Fury, Natasha, or Maria people assumed that you were important.

You decide to go to the meeting because you are board so you follow Maria and Nat to the room and enter behind them taking a seat next to Natasha.

"Where have you three been, you said that you were going out for lunch two hours ago?" Fury questions.

"We were out for lunch," Maria answers.

"Then we went on a little errand," Natasha added and you giggled.

 "Oh god help me. What was this "errand". You know what I don't care as long as no one died," Fury says.

"Don't worry Nicky. No one died, me and Tash got married and the paperwork took a little while to fill out," You tell him like it's no big deal.

"You got married, I forgot that you were going to do that. Great," He says not processing the information. "You know what though, I am a little bit hurt that you didn't invite me."

"Eh, next time," Natasha says.

"I'm sorry but I need to know the story here," Steve says as the other avengers nod along.

"Fine," Natasha says.

"Talia and I met in the red room twenty years ago," You start.

"We were the best in our class so we were always paired together and when we turned eleven we were sent with two agents and another kid on a mission where we were supposed to act like a family. We already had to go through the red room and so did one of the agents, the other kid didn't know anything about what she would go through."

"After that, we went back to the red room and were sent on solo missions for a while. I was sent on a four-month mission and when I got back Talia was gone, she had escaped," You say. "A week after I was back she came and got me."

"After we got out she wanted to go into the whole law enforcement thing but I wanted to get out for good, so I went to college. I am an art major and the reason why we just got married is that at my college I will be able to move off-campus and file some papers to get 61% off of my total cost of going to college."

"Oh, also we have been dating since leaving the reed room," Natasha adds.

All of the avengers sit in silence processing what they were just told but Fury just says, "Well since everything has been answered, let's get back to work."

You smile and lean more into your wife. Holy shit you married Natasha Romanoff. That's kind of cool, now she can kill the people who bother you.

here that half of my grade, my super hot fictional assassin wife is going to kill you.

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