The Farm

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"I have a safe house we can go to," Natasha says.

The group was sitting on the Quinjet flying above the clouds after the battle with Ultron.

"Are you sure Nat. You don't have to," Clint tries.

"I haven't seen them in a really long time, I need this. Plus I'm sure they will be happy to see you."


Tony tries to ask where they were going but Natasha walked into the piloting area of the jet to start the journey back to her Family. They got to the farm in record time and everyone loaded off the jet quickly wondering where they were. Natasha was ahead of the group leading them up the driveway and into the house.

"I'm home," She calls out entering the home.

You rush to the front of the house to greet your wife, "Hey baby. I thought you wouldn't be home for a while." You pull her into a hug -as best you could while being seven months pregnent- ignoring the other people in the house.

"I know. We needed to lay low for a little while and I missed you guys," She pulls out of the hug and turns to the team with her arm around your waist. "Everyone, this is my wife Y/N."

"I already know who you are," You say lamely looking at them all and sheepishly waving.

"Hey Y/N," Clint says walking over, "How is little Clint doing." He looks down to your swolen stomach.

"He's," You trail off, "Cleo."

He looks down to your stomach and whispers, "Traitor."

You here the patter of footsteps running in from the back door, "Incoming," You warn your wife right before your youngest daughter flings herself at Natasha, your son hugs her, and your other daughter smiles and says, "Hey mom. I missed you."

"I missed you too, I missed all of you a lot."

"Did you bring uncle Clint?"

"Where else would I be?" Clint responds and the kids rush over to him, "What do you say we go out and work on treehouse city a little while your moms talk to the other adults."

He leads the kids out of the house leaving you and Nat with a room full of confused superheros. "Please make yourself at home, I'm going to go make some lemonade." You walks out of the room and Nat leaders then into the living room.

Everyone sits on the couch/chairs/floor. "So you have a secret family," Tony starts.


"You are married," Bruce continues.


"Why did you not tell us of this development lady Natasha?" Thor asks not understanding.

She looks over to where you were in the kitchen and smiles, "They are the only thing I have. When I was in the red room they taught us that love was for children, never have weaknesses. So when I met Y/N, fell in love, and had my kids, Fury helped me set up this place up to keep them safe."

"Okay, I guess that makes sense," Banner says.

"there are a lot of people who want to hurt her and the best way to do that would be to hurt us," You say setting the Lemonade pitcher down. Natasha stands up from her seat so you can sit down so you do just that.

Now that everyone understands why she kept you a secret you start to make conversation. "So Y/N tell us about your kids," Steve says.

"We adopted our oldest Jamie when she was three. She loves to ride horses and do anything that has to do with animals. Our son Brian was also adopted when he was one, he really likes science and other things like that," You then turn to Banner, "He really likes your work on gamma radiation and has all of your books, so sorry if he asks you to sign them."

"He understands them?" Banner asks. Some of his work Collage profeccers don't even understand.

"Yeah. he is super smart," Natasha says proudly.

"And then our youngest Layla, she really just likes to do anything that her older siblings are doing."

You continue conversing with the avengers until it was time for dinner. Natasha was glad you got along with them and was also glad that they were not mad she kept you a secret. Tony invited to to the annual Stark Christmas party and you obliged.

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