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A/N: Sorry for not updating in a while. I found out I was pregnant then I had to move out of my apartment so things have been a little hectic. Anyways I have twin babies! Their names are Valarie and Chloe. To apologize for not updating in a bit here is some smut. As always I apologise for any mistakes. Enjoy : )

Y/n was lying on her and Nat's shared bed waiting for Nat to leave the bathroom. Natasha was trying on some new suits she had bought the day before with Clint for the next one of Tony's functions they would have to go to. The suit was grey and she had a red lace shirt underneath the blazer. She exits the bathroom and Y/n sits straight up on the bed.

"Well, how do I look?" Natasha asks.

"You... Uh, you look good"

"Good. That's it, I look good?"

"No, I just uh," Y/n's mind was blank. There were no adjectives that she could think of to describe how amazing Natasha looked in the suit.

Natasha slowly walks toward Y/n realizing what was happening in her girlfriend's mind. "Aww, baby. You are just so turned on right now that you can't even form a full sentence, huh," Y/n stays silent as Natasha leans down and places a small kiss on her girlfriend's lips. "I look so good that you can't even describe it."

Natasha brings Y/n in for another short kiss. As Natasha pulls away a whimper falls from Y/n's lips. "Please, Nat."

"Please what baby?"

"Please fuck me."

Natasha places her hands on Y/n's hips guiding her to stand then takes a step away from her. "Strip for me," She whispers.

Y/n eagerly rids herself of her clothing until she was completely bare in front of Natasha. Natasha takes a moment to admire the person in front of her before stepping forward, backing Y/n onto the bed until she falls back. Natasha straddles Y/n leaning over her to kiss her once more.

Natasha starts to kiss down Y/n's body drawing out soft moans until she is between her thighs. "God babe, you're so fucking wet," Natasha states lustfully as she drags a single finger through the slickness she had referred to.

She licks the wetness off of her finger, sucking her finger and then repeating the action. "You taste so good, love." Natasha continues to do this until Y/n was practically shaking with need.

"Please, Nat. Please fuck me, I need it so bad, please," Y/n begs knowing that was what Natasha was waiting for.

Natasha dives in devouring Y/n as though she was a five-star meal. She nips, licks, and, sucks in all the right ways to get Y/n to moan and scream Natasha's name. "Oh god Nat, baby, I'm going to cum," Y/n moans while Natasha continues to eat her out.

"Not yet baby." Natasha pulls back and stands up. She licks her lips in the most arousing way that Y/n had ever seen.

Y/n whines and props herself up to watch as Natasha stands in front of her and takes off her blazer. She then removes her top leaving her in just the slacks and a black lace bra. She then removes the bra and unbuttons her slacks. "Oh holy fuck," Y/n utters as she realizes that Natasha was wearing a black ridged 10-inch dildo.

Natasha smirks and orders, "Hands and knees."

Y/n quickly scrambles to follow her orders and Natasha smiles taking her place behind Y/n. Natasha thrusts into Y/n in one fluid motion easily.

"You feel so good taking my cock," Natasha moans.

Y/n is so far gone into her arousal to respond as she cums. She arches her back moaning loudly and Natasha helps her ride the feeling before pulling out and turning Y/n onto her back.

Natasha leans over Y/n and kisses her slowly while thrusting back into her.

"I love you Y/n."

"I love you too."

It didn't take long for Y/n to cum again and Natasha was right there with her. The two cum at the same time and Natasha collapses on the bed next to Y/n. She lazily removes the harness from her body and rolls onto her side to hug Y/n resting her head in the crook of her neck.

"That was amazing," Y/n pants out, "You should get new suits more often."

"If that is the reaction I get every time then I will," Natasha presses a soft kiss to Y/n's neck.

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